Does anyone have experience with the Fridge Defender sold by ARP to protect overheating of the refrigerator boiler when on propane?
According to the website, when operating on propane, the unit can get too hot and cause damage. The device they offer appears to offer high temp shutdown of the unit to avoid this damage.
They also offer the protective device with or without fans to facilitate air flow to aid in the units cooling. I have been testing my unit to find out what methods improve the units cooling with the addition of a fan or by adding a temporary "flue" to the upper vent opening to aid in natural draft of the unit with or without adding a fan but until reading on the website was unaware of the potential for high temps causing damage.
2019 T@B 320S
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In my unsolicited opinion, the fridge defender might have been useful 20 years ago when there were fridges causing fires from overheating. Heck the website looks like it's 20 years old
The Fridge Defend will shut down the over heating whatever the source, not just LP. Read their website: "Electric heaters can cause the boiler to overheat in a number of ways. Here are just a few:"
Out of level conditions are the big problem with absorption refrigerators. Fridge Defend will shutdown the fridge when out of level overheats happen. I guess is that the RV manufactures are switching to compressor refrigerators because of absorption fridge fires.
2020 T@B 320 S Boondock Edge, 2020 Subaru Outback