2022 TAB400 Norcold 3Way Fridge Exterior Vent Winter Covers

I've been searching for something to cover the 2 plastic fridge vents for the winter.  Any suggestions?  Our TAB400 is currently uncovered for this Michigan winter.  
2023 TAB 400 with modifications in process.


  • 85Redwood85Redwood Member Posts: 52
    I haven't heard of needing to cover them...I believe they're designed to keep out the weather.  What is your concern?  Snow blowing in?
    2021 T@B 400: boondock, 3-way fridge, microwave, solar
    2008 Toyota Sequoia 5.7 L
  • DM159DM159 Member Posts: 50
    Yes, I was concerned about snow acculation and cold, cold temps in general having an affect on the fridge while in storage mode.  I took a closer look at the installation and it is sealed up pretty well.  While I was at it, I added a screen to the vents for insect control.
    2023 TAB 400 with modifications in process.

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