Dicor lap sealant

can you use Dicor lap sealant to seal around edges of fantastic fan, old sealant is starting to crumble, no leaks as of yet. 


  • qhumberdqhumberd Member Posts: 520
    I replaced my bath fan and used Dicor lap sealant that around the new install with no problems. I think you might scrape away the loose bits and clean with alcohol to get it to adhere well

    2019  T@B400 Boondock Lite "Todd"

    2016 Toyota Tundra 5.7 Crew Cab
  • berggerbergger Moderator Posts: 1,078
    Yes you can use that.  Or you can put some eternabond tape around it for a quick easy fix.  I did that on a fan on my old trailer that was actually leaking.  I sold the trailer 4 years after that repair and it still did not leak.  I honestly do not know what is a better solution.  Dicor certainly works very well but it does need to be replaced from time to time.  I'm sure eternabond does as well but it certainly is easy to apply.  I always keep a roll in my trailer tool bag in case I need to make an emergency repair while out traveling. 
    2021 T@b 400 BD  "Vixen Gail" 
    2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
    Leadville Colorado
  • JetmanJetman Member Posts: 45

    Thanks, for this I did order some of the tape sometime back for something, I thing was suggested for elbo at potty, which as leaking and I found a better fix. 

    Do you need a hard roller to affix the tape to the ridge of the fan housing and how do you overlap it and assure that it seals with no leaks.

    anyone with a video of the application?


  • SlackersSlackers Member Posts: 479
    Here's a counter-argument against eternabond: https://www.rvtravel.com/group-shouldnt-eternabond-tape-rv-roof-1082/
    2019 Tab 320 CSS, 2019 Ranger TV, OH
  • SLJSLJ Member Posts: 588
    On roof fans, vents, skylights, and other flat horizontal surfaces use Dicor "Self-leveling" lap sealant. For side windows, compartments, and fittings on the sides and vertical surfaces use Dicor "Non-leveling".
    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
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    2023 Ford Maverick XLT
    The Finger Lakes of New York
  • berggerbergger Moderator Posts: 1,078
    The dicor on my old trailer was very thin and I actually just used eternabond over it.  Like I said it was still  completely sealed after 4 years.  I would not hesitate to use it again.  If I ever have to use it again I would remove the old Dicor but heating it up with a heat gun or hair dryer and use a putty knife to remove it.  I think both dicor and eternabond are good products but I believe eternabond will last longer and in my experience is less likely to crack and dry up over time.  Dicor is very good but seems to require more frequent maintenance.  I think eternabond works very well on fiberglass and aluminum roofs.  The arguement above is for membrane roofs which I'm sure would be much harder to remove eternabond from if needed.  Everybody has an opinion on what works best.  I've never replaced dicor with more dicor so I can only comment on my good experience with eternabond.   
    2021 T@b 400 BD  "Vixen Gail" 
    2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
    Leadville Colorado
  • JetmanJetman Member Posts: 45
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,379
    One bit of advice on using lap sealant. Use it generously. I know it’ll look like a mess but go thick and heavy with it. It’s good stuff.
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
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