Danby Spring Cleaning—How to clean?

The danby ac in the 320S 2018 is due for an in-depth cleaning.  Has anyone taken it apart for component checks and cleaning?  Anyone have problems with mold?, and what would the mold look like?  As always, help is appreciated.


  • rcarlson1957rcarlson1957 Member Posts: 203
    I usually clean filter (often) and inspect drain pan for cracks and fins on back for dirt. I had a leak in pan. The plastic pan had cracked by the drain that goes down the wall and fixed it with flex seal. I had to take rectangular mirror off bathroom wall to get to area where it was cracked. I replaced mirror with porthole mirror that opens (easy install) and I can get to it easier for inspection and cleaning. Normal maintenance for me is to clean filter and vacuum back of fins and inspect drip pan and drain. I pour a little water in pan and see if it is dripping out drain in bottom ok. Also put pan cleaner tablet in tray from time to time. Here's link on Amazon to the pan clean tablets and porthole mirror.
    2018 TAB 320S Silver/Black
    2020 Honda Ridgeline RTL (AWD) Lunar Silver Metallic
    Rick and Barbara - North Texas
  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 437
    We just took our out and replaced it with a Frigidaire unit. The Danby had absolutely no mold. I was surprised. 
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
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