Garage storage of the T@b 320 s

nccmpignccmpig Member Posts: 1
I’m in the process of possibly buying a Nucamp T@B 320 S. I want to store it in my garage. The opening to my garage is 93.5 inches and the depth is 20 ft. My concern is the height. I know the 320 S is 92 inches. I hope that is true height, However, I hate spending the money on a vehicle that will not fit. Is there anyone near Winter springs Fl with a T@B 320s that is willing to try parking their 320 S in my garage for a fee and toll reimbursement? I know it’s a strange request, but I need to be sure before I invest. Thank you

jim P


  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    Please tell us which year and model you are looking at buying because that makes a difference in getting a correct answer. A Boondock is much taller than the regular model. I have a 2017 320S. It is 90” at its tallest. I had a 1948 one car garage (10’x20’) converted for storage of Bug. I had the door and first few headers raised, and barn doors installed (vs roll up). My height clearance is 91.5”, and 6-8” on each side. I get Bug in and out with no problems. Good luck with your decision!

    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • otr_320otr_320 Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2023
    We just purchased a new '23 T@B 320 with the Boondock package which, according to NuCamp, increases the height from the standard height of 7' 8" (92") to 8' 0" (96").

    Our garage door opening is 7' 10 1/2" high (94.5").  We dropped the pressure in the tires to approx. 5-10 PSI---the tires appear about 75% flat at this pressure.  The top center roof vent cleared the top of the garage opening by about 3/4 - 1" as we backed it in.

    If you purchase a late model 320 without the Boondock pkg you'll be 4" lower than our 320 with the Boondock.  Rather doubt you'll have any problems passing underneath a 93.5" opening as-is.  Worst case, simply let some air out of the tires.  If purchase a 320 with the Boondock pkg, you may have to deflate the tires near 100% to pass under a 93.5" opening.  

    Good luck!
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