12V power not working

I have a 2016 T@B Little Guy trailer (320 CS-S).  I can't get the 12V power to work.  The battery was completely dead so I replaced it with a new one.  The 12V power was immediately restored but when I returned 2 weeks later, the battery was completely dead and could not be recharged and had to be replaced.  Anybody know what's going on?


  • Grumpy_GGrumpy_G Member Posts: 564
    There are a number of small current draws even when the trailer is not in use (propane/CO alarm,  radio e.g.) which deplete the battery over the span of weeks. You need to disconnect the battery when in storage, the older T@bs don't have a switch for it so physically disconnect the battery. 

    However a new battery should survive a few deep discharge events. Some automotive battery chargers (some solar chargers as well) do want to detect a minimum voltage before starting to charge so that might be in play here. 
  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,619
    The older T@Bs didn't have a battery cut off switch. Your options are to disconnect the battery when storing, remove the 30amp blade fuse from the holder on the positive line to cut the power, or install a battery switch. A fourth option would be to plug it into shore power when storing it. 
    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • BernieBernie Member Posts: 2
    Unfortunately, my T@B does not have a battery disconnect switch. Also, the trailer was connected to shore power so the battery should have been charged. Perhaps something wrong with the converter? Checked all the fuses and they were fine.
  • Grumpy_GGrumpy_G Member Posts: 564
    Correct, with shore power connected the converter should have charged the battery. First step is to check that shore power is actually working. Plug a light into any of the outlets or check if the air conditioning works when turned on. Then, check the AC breaker for the converter. If that checks out and the low voltage fuses are fine it might well be a failed converter.
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