How bad is it that our replacement tires are 15 months old?

ckjsckjs Member Posts: 77
Our 2018 CSS now has new tires; the old ones were 6 (yikes!) years old. I didn’t check the new ones’ date code until after they were installed. I’m disappointed that they are already 15 months old. 

How big a problem is this? We’re we robbed of 1/3 of the tires’ recommended life?
Charles & Judy, Santa Cruz, CA
2018 T@B 320 CS-S; Alde 3020; 4 cyl 2020 Subaru Outback Onyx XT


  • Grumpy_GGrumpy_G Member Posts: 564
    Warning, personal opinion follows .... :) It's somewhat unusual that tires sit for so long before being sold but if they were stored in a warehouse I wouldn't worry. There are many factors that determine the useful lifespan of a tire and recommendations to replace them after a certain time address the worst case scenarios like sitting for a long time in direct sunlight, running under inflated/overloaded at times, initial quality of the construction etc.. My beater truck has 10 year old Goodyear tires that show no signs of cracking, bulging or anything so I still run them. Just recently I had the first tire blowout ever in over 40 years of driving and that was not unexpected as the tire needed air added before the trip. 
  • JohninMissouriJohninMissouri Member Posts: 28
      Just my 68 year old opinion ; - depends how much you paid, -where they were stored before, and how high a quality they are.    Keep them covered and out of direct sunlight when the Tab is stored.  I try not to obsess too much over things like this, just enjoy.  Was not the best situation.  
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