3 way refer, will start in any mode and will cool down to well below 30 degrees. After about 12 hours it stops cooling. Have checked, Thermcontrol, gas flame but now thinking possible Thermostat Control. Anyone with any suggestions would be so helpful. Thanks
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When using propane or 12VDC** the user must monitor Fridge temperature and adjust the propane flame dial as needed to change the fridge temperature.
As for the Fridge stopping after 12-hours - - - no idea for now on why.
**12V operation is not recommended due to its high current demand. Lots of forum threads
on using the 12V mode.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 54 Nights: 341 Towing Miles 43,780
Grumpy, when using shore power, the fridge is cold at (20 degrees on coolest mark). Propane and dc starts out cold and then stops cooling. I am not sure where there might be a circuit board to replace.
Have only located Thermostate control unit not an electronic control board...where would that be?