
Free Victron Connect monitioring/configuration using TeamViewer

I wanted the ability to monitor/configure our TAB 400 Victron system without having to go to the trailer.  I looked into Bluetooth range extenders and noting simple really exists.  Didn't want to spend the $$$ on a Cerbo GX system.

I thought about installing a mini PC in the TAB for Remote Desktop and then discovered Victron Connect does not allow Bluetooth connections using Windows.  IOS doesn't easily allow Remote Desktop connection.

TeamViewer has a free Android host.  Once installed and logged in you can remote desktop to your Android phone.  I had an old Android phone laying around so it will permanently stay in the TAB powered on and charging.

Only requirement is you have a TeamViewer account and internet access inside the TAB.  TeamViewer still has free accounts as long as you don't do any commercial stuff with it.

If you have a MK3 device you can configure your Multiplus using this method.  I'm going to look for some type of USB C splitter so I can charge and connect to the Multiplus at the same time.

Some screenshots attached.

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