Resolved: Anyone else have this Victron Controller issue (or know how to solve it)?

RMoRMo Member Posts: 162
I was prompted to update my 100/30 BlueSolar charge controller so I did and now I can access only one screen that has no data (see photo).  Any suggestions?  The Victron site didn’t help me other than to indicate it might have been an issue during the firmware upgrade but I can’t access any updates now.
So far I’ve reconnected the app via Bluetooth, reinstalled and reconnected the app, and rebooted my phone several times.

RESOLVED by flipping the breaker between the controller and the battery off then on.  The app then prompted me to install an update (the same one as before) and all was peachy again.  I’m guessing the original update was interrupted or otherwise failed.

2019 T@B 400 (for sale)
2017 Highlander Limited


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