Dometic Stove burner won’t stay lit

I’m soliciting solutions to the problem where ONE of my burners on my Dometic stovetop will not staying lit. It will light initially but once I release the light knob the flame goes out. The rear burner lights just fine. I’ve had the RV repair guy change the thermocouple and also swap the gas valve from the rear burner to the front burner. The front burner will still not stay lit; the rear burner works fine with either gas valve. I live at sea level ( so it’s not an issue with high elevation). Any ideas? Maybe time to get a new stovetop? Any suggestions on alternatives to the Dometic?  :s


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,040
    What year/model?  Have you tried the simple things like the propane pigtail and the propane regulator?

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • debbie987debbie987 Member Posts: 12
    2020 320S. Because the back burner lights just fine I don’t think it’s the propane regulator. I’m not sure what the pigtail involves but if it feeds both burners I’d rule that out too. 
  • qhumberdqhumberd Member Posts: 516
    If either burner works with either valve then a valve defect seems unlikely. I would double check the thermocouple and in particular how it is placed on the burner. It must heat up to change the electrical characteristics of the conductor to keep the gas circuit open. There should be a thermocouple for each burner. They can be checked electrically to make sure they are good. They must be placed so the burner flame heats them and if off a bit it could shut the valve off.

    2019  T@B400 Boondock Lite "Todd"

    2016 Toyota Tundra 5.7 Crew Cab
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