Our white 320 was bombed by some critter from up above which left several greenish splats each with a runny streak down the back, just above where the clamshell is attached. We tried using Meguires wash and wax, but that didn’t fully remove the stains. Tried wd-40, no change. Next we tried bug and tar remover and that didn’t help either. Lastly we tried rubbing alcohol, which with enough elbow grease removed enough of the stains to make the stains unnoticeable, however we can clearly see where the rubbing alcohol was used, and now we would like to wash it again, then apply something to fix the area where the rubbing alcohol was used. I’m thinking of trying a good paste wax, but would really like some experience based recommendations.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
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John, Northern California
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
2006 F-150
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Rubbing compound would also work but it might be a bit too aggressive so if you resort to it, use it very carefully. You will need to buff it up to remove the cloud it might leave.