Traveling with Cats

CatDaddyCatDaddy Member Posts: 85
I'm in the process of purchasing a 2023 NuCamp 320S. I hope to pick it up this week or next. 

I'm buying a trailer because I am weary of trying to find lodging that will accept my two adventure cats, Lewis & Clark.  Schlepping everything in and out of hotel rooms frequently isn't much fun either. 
Lewis & Clark are very experienced travelers, so I'm not worried about them.  We went on four road trips this past summer. We tent camp, showshoe, bike, hike, and canoe.  I'm certain they will love camping in a trailer in the woods. They have an Instagram account but I'm not sure what the forum rules are about links to social media. They were also on a local Public Broadcasting show called "Oregon Field Guide". 
I am a bit concerned about the logistics of trailer camping with cats.  Where does one put the litter box, food and water bowls, and beds? Has anybody made a hammock or something for them to sleep in?

What's the situation with dogs in camp grounds? Lewis & Clark have been attacked numerous times by dogs that are on "voice recall".  Apparently, "voice recall" is like Sasquatch; it might exist but the data to support its existence is thin and I've never seen it.  :-)

Any advice?
Adventure Cats living in the Pacific NW USA
2022 NuCamp T@B 320S Boondock
2023 Volkswagen ID.4 Pro S Plus AWD


  • swiftwaveswiftwave Member Posts: 42
    Your cats sound like champs.

    My cat has journeyed with me in my T@B 400 for months at a time each summer during the past several years.  I installed a cat door in the bathroom door, then placed a covered litter box in the bathroom.  Works well.
    I have applied an additional, sacrificial layer of upholstery on certain areas, so my cat can scratch there.  Of course, there are also purpose built scratch pads installed.
    I made a simple padded cat bed that is situated near the rear window and right above the heat outlet there.  I’ve padded one of the raised cubbyholes and fastened a carpet that spills over the edge, enabling my cat to jump and climb into that cozy little napping area and vantage point.

    I travel mostly in the Yukon, where foxes are the primary concern for my cat.  I walk her in a harness and retractable leash, always alert for predators.  Many local husky dogs have well established killer instincts, with essentially no concept of voice recall.  I prefer the foxes, which are generally much more shy around humans.
    I don’t let my cat outside without accompanying her.  She prefers areas that have lots of climbable trees, providing abundant vertical escape routes.

    Happy travels to you and your cats!
  • CatDaddyCatDaddy Member Posts: 85
    That's very helpful! I didn't think about installing a cat door into the bathroom. What if you need to use the bathroom at night?
    We've encountered a few foxes. They were interested in each other but there wasn't any aggression. Bears, cougar and coyotes are more of an issue.
    I like the idea of using one of the cubbies as a bed! They would love to climb the carpet to get to their napping spot!
    Thanks so much for the ideas!
    Adventure Cats living in the Pacific NW USA
    2022 NuCamp T@B 320S Boondock
    2023 Volkswagen ID.4 Pro S Plus AWD
  • swiftwaveswiftwave Member Posts: 42
    Each night before I retire, I remove the covered litter box from the bathroom and place it on the floor, near the main door.  This makes nighttime bathroom & litter box access easier for both human and feline.

    When underway, the litter box is secured to the wall in the bathroom, so it won’t slide and block the cat door.  I make a habit of quickly checking that access to the litter box is clear each time I park and bring my cat back to the trailer.  She rides in a raised carrier secured to the passenger seat of my tow vehicle.

    House rules are that my cat is not permitted on the kitchen counter when I’m in the trailer.  When I’m out, she’s permitted to look out the kitchen window while sitting on the counter.  She has learned this without much fuss.
  • fwunderfwunder Member Posts: 59
    Theo, our camping cat, has a lots of miles under her paws in our 2023 400. Not sure these help so much with your 320, but we found sleeping is no problem. If she is not on top of us she has no problem finding a place to relax/nap/sleep/make trouble. The litter box was a little bit of a challenge, but removing the drawer below the bed and converting to space for her litter box has worked out great.

  • SubaruLouSubaruLou Member Posts: 122
    You may wish to consider a top entry litter box that will reduce litter tracking and be less prone to spills during travel. 
    2019 T@B 320 S  |  2019 Subaru Ascent
  • CatDaddyCatDaddy Member Posts: 85
    I've been using a Sterilite tub with a lid as a portable litter box.  It is in the cargo area of my TV.  There's a passthru from the back seat into the cargo area so the cats can access the box.  My plan was to move it into the trailer when we're in camp.
    I've found that Catit Pea Husk litter hardly tracks at all and it desiccates both pee and poo quickly, which reduces odor.  
    They mostly do their business outdoors when we're hiking, so the use of the litter box isn't very high unless conditions don't allow us to be outside. 
    Adventure Cats living in the Pacific NW USA
    2022 NuCamp T@B 320S Boondock
    2023 Volkswagen ID.4 Pro S Plus AWD
  • CatDaddyCatDaddy Member Posts: 85
    Thanks for the tips, fwunder! Theo looks really happy in his space! I will look at something similar to the under-bed litter box for our 320. How do you like the Froli mattress system?
    Adventure Cats living in the Pacific NW USA
    2022 NuCamp T@B 320S Boondock
    2023 Volkswagen ID.4 Pro S Plus AWD
  • ChanWChanW Member Posts: 3,162
    edited October 2024
    We'd love to figure out a way for our cat to join us camping, but I think the 'cabin fever' would kick in pretty quickly for her. She's an indoor/outdoor cat at home, but I wouldn't trust her to return to the trailer when we're ready to leave. So she'd have to be inside all the time. No fun for any of us. 

    We have lots of foxes around the house, and she has them under control. She torments them, they scream at her, and the mama fox faces her down to keep her away from the fox kits. 

    One morning last spring we were sitting on the back deck and the cat came hauling out of the bushes chasing one of the young foxes. She caught up with it and they rolled, we called her, and then she let it get away. Pretty funny to see! 
    Chan  -  near Buffalo NY
    2014 S Maxx
    2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah! 

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