I am organizing my new to me 2023 Tab 320. What do you store in the cupboards above the sink? Anyone have any creative ideas or suggestions? Being such a small unit, I need to make use of every space. Thank you for any and all suggestions!
Check those cabinet door hinges. Nucamp only uses power drivers and was unable to fit one in the 5 inch height cabinets. They never predrill anything anywhere. Those flip doors fell off and hit my wife, due to maybe one screw thread length engagement instead of a fully seated fastener. Seen the same on three other campers. A right angle handheld attachment on your cordless drill can rectify but you must predrill first.
We store quick grab items: rubber-banded small rolls of trash bags, latex gloves, band aids, teabags, dish towels, and a tray with pens, tweezers, etc.
Maybe some squared-off unripe tomatoes?
I've screwed a plastic 12v kitchen exhaust fan to the cabinet underside but we studiously avoid cooking inside except for the very worst weather. Wiring up 3000w inverter for microwave has obviated it.
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York
Those flip doors fell off and hit my wife, due to maybe one screw thread length engagement instead of a fully seated fastener. Seen the same on three other campers.
A right angle handheld attachment on your cordless drill can rectify but you must predrill first.
We store quick grab items: rubber-banded small rolls of trash bags, latex gloves, band aids, teabags, dish towels, and a tray with pens, tweezers, etc.
Maybe some squared-off unripe tomatoes?
I've screwed a plastic 12v kitchen exhaust fan to the cabinet underside but we studiously avoid cooking inside except for the very worst weather. Wiring up 3000w inverter for microwave has obviated it.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock/ 2012 Tacoma 4 cylinder truck / 2023 Tacoma 6 cyl. truck