Destination Cutting Board Lagun Mount Table

I had a second lagun mount already outside my T@B so rather than moving the existing table from inside, which I typically use, I added this bamboo Arizona destination cutting board as a second table top outside. Easy peasy. You can use whichever state (and shape) you like. I liked Arizona for the size and shape and that's where I live, so win, win, lol.
NOTE: Be sure to get the Original Lagun Table Mount (will say Lagun on the mount) not the less expensive ones on Amazon if you want to use them interchangeably. They are not the same size although they are so so similar you can't tell by looking at them. I learned the hard way! Unless you do not care and won't be switching from inside to outside, then it won't matter. I personally like the fact that both tables are interchangeable.

2018 T@B 320S / 2024 Chevy Blazer RS AWD / Phoenix, AZ


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