Leverage the Barefoot Design?

I guess I'm on a roll this week.  Just exploring what else is out there-- and starting with other Nucamp offerings.  The Barefoot is an intriguing design and it makes me wonder why Nucamp doesn't leverage that design into more of their models.  It makes better use of space than any of the Tab models, and with a few modifications (solar, etc.), it could be a great option for many of us.  The interior storage space is fantastic, the bathroom has a real, usable sink (and some storage)(and a better door), the trailer shape and fiberglass molded body is superior (water proof, more aerodynamic), and it's still light weight.  There's no real outdoor storage, which is unfortunate, but with the interior space, I'd be more inclined to accept storing hoses and other trailer gear in my truck.  

While I get that people love the iconic Tab shape, it's pretty inefficient in it's ability to provide interior and exterior space.  That's why many competitor's have similar length trailers with much more interior and exterior living/storage space.  And I'm a function over form kind of guy-- but I really have no problem with the Barefoot shape.  

Anyway, this was the first time I really looked closely at the Barefoot and I was surprised at how much more intuitive and thoughtful the design was compared to the Tabs.  And I do understand that they are more expensive and marketed to different folks-- and that the Barefoot has higher end amenities.  You could easily make some a few compromises to reduce the cost-- like fabric cushions (though I'd want the leather.  And really, with the price of the Tabs now-- especially the 360 and 360CS, these aren't that much more already.  



  • BinghiBinghi Member Posts: 354
    Not for me: insufficient interior height; dinette and bed conjoined rather than occupying separate spaces. I think my Tab 400 interior is plenty intuitive and thoughtful.
    2021 400 BD / 2016 VW Touareg / Austin, TX
  • BillJ70BillJ70 Member Posts: 34
    Fair enough, @Binghi.  I should probably have been more specific and compared it to the 320 (though they could certainly expand the Barefoot a bit to make something comparable to the 400).  The combo dinette/bed isn't my favorite either (which is why the 360 is still on my radar).  But unlike the 320, the interior storage on the barefoot is mostly accessible when the bed is made.  For us, the bed in the 400 felt cramped and it meant that someone was climbing over someone else to get up in the night. 

  • BinghiBinghi Member Posts: 354
    You’re right, @BillJ70, the crawl-over bed is a pain, as my wife forcefully reminds me when I make a misstep. And as you say, storage sure is at a premium.
    2021 400 BD / 2016 VW Touareg / Austin, TX
  • SLJSLJ Member Posts: 586
    320S is great for me solo but not so much for the two of us even with the twin bed set up. Barefoot wasn't a consideration because of the lack of ground clearance and floorplan. Was excited when the 360 was announced but after seeing it several times the interior height is really the only major improvement for us over the 320. Bathroom is still cramped and kitchen space is non existent still. Coupled with the high price I just couldn't justify it when there's so many other campers with way more living and storage space at half the price. Will miss my T@B.
    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
    2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
    2023 Ford Maverick XLT
    The Finger Lakes of New York
  • BillJ70BillJ70 Member Posts: 34
    Yeah, @SLJ, we figured out the same thing with the 320.  It's hard to get around the cost of the 360 with so little kitchen space and basically the 320 bathroom (that sink is almost worthless).  And even with the 360 CS, you have the same bathroom, more weight/length and an even higher price tag.  I hope you'll check back in with updates on your new Sportsmen.  
  • rcarlson1957rcarlson1957 Member Posts: 203
    Between the Scamp, Casita, Happy Camper and the more expensive Oliver they're already competing in an already fairly crowded market for similar campers (fiberglass eggs) with the Barefoot. But it is pretty cool.   They also have some competition in the traditional teardrop (TAG) market but seems like they pretty much own the market in the tall teardrop segment (TABs). 
    2018 TAB 320S Silver/Black
    2020 Honda Ridgeline RTL (AWD) Lunar Silver Metallic
    Rick and Barbara - North Texas
  • BillJ70BillJ70 Member Posts: 34
    edited February 22
    That is true, but between the carpeted walls, the confusing lo-fi websites, and confusing packages/options (Casita), I never get the warm fuzzies from those other brands (and there are no dealers around).  One positive thing about the Nucamp models is they keep the options and model versions pretty simple.  Again, it seems like they could make a few modifications and have a version of the Barefoot that was competitive with the other fiberglass brands.  But as I stated earlier, my guess is that Nucamp wouldn't want to create something that took away sales from their TABs (even though the layout is superior to the 320).  Of course, I'm just a guy speculating on a forum!! 

  • XenanMeXenanMe Member Posts: 80
    The Barefoot is a UK brand and trailer design.  Nucamp is the North America authorized manufacturer and distributor of that brand.  That probably limits Nucamp’s ability to make significant changes to the model.  https://www.go-barefoot.co.uk/ 
  • MickerlyMickerly Member Posts: 444
    Casita moved away from the carpet 2 years ago. The new material looks nice.
    2018 320CS-S
    "Just Enough"
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