We store Sunny about 45 minutes from our house. Our last trip was the first one we've taken with our new 7-pin connection so our battery's now fully charged and the fridge was still totally cold by the time we pulled in to the storage place. In the past, we've picked up the trailer and found mold in the fridge so I've been leaving it open when we've closed her up (It's a clamshell). Like a dummy, this time I left the fridge open but did not turn the fridge OFF. Is it just going to run down the battery? Is the best thing to find time to stop by to turn it off? (Of course, we put the cover on for the first time so I have to deal with it to get in the back, ugh) Our next trip is in two weeks and we'll be plugged in so we won't have to rely on the battery, but I'm sorta worried about the fridge running that long.
Any advice would be helpful. I don't even know what size batteries we have except that we have two and they're huge. I feel so dumb.
:(|)Tiff in Seattle
2012 BMW x3/2008 TCS "Sunny"
Hi, SunnyT@B -- Do you have the 3-way fridge? What "setting" was your fridge on when you last used it? Was it on battery? If so, it will probably drain the batteries in two weeks, running full time. I THINK that the converter relies on a charge from the battery (other T@BBERS, please correct me if I am wrong), so I, personally, would make the dreaded trip back and turn the fridge off. I have heard that a fully discharged battery is something to be avoided.
You could also pull the inline fuse on the batteries to stop the drain to the batteries. Perhaps you could have someone at the storage lot pull the inline battery fuse(s) for you?
#-oThanks Beth. We've never touched anything on the fridge except to turn the dial down on some colder nights so it won't be waking us up when it cranks on. If it's a 3-way fridge and not just a 12v fridge, would we change the setting on the fridge or on the black panel that's under the interior banquette? The 2008 came with either the 3-way or the 12v so I'm actually not sure. I definitely haven't seen a dial to switch it to an alternative power source.
I think I'll just head up there to take care of it for my own peace of mind. It's not such a big deal but traffic is HORRIBLE these days so it's possibly a two hour round trip. You bet I'll never make this mistake again.
Tiff in Seattle
2012 BMW x3/2008 TCS "Sunny"
I have a 2014 T@B with the 3-way Norcold. It has a black panel with different settings indicated by icons, i.e., a little battery for battery setting, an electric plug for electric, and a flame for propane. On mine, you "push" the icon for the setting that you want. It also has the words OFF and I push it there to stop my fridge.
Yeah, better add that step to the Ready, Set, Tow card, huh? In the past, I have forgotten and left the propane tank turned on, which is a no-no. Good thing nothing blew up. I haven't done it since, thank goodness.
[-O<So hubby went up there and the fridge had closed itself when we closed the clamshell, which is great. He turned off the fridge.
I have a feeling ours is just a 12v fridge because it only has a dial with OFF and then 1-5. Thanks Beth for describing yours.
I really wonder if we'll have mold in the bottom again. It's cooler out now so maybe it won't be so much of a problem.
Tiff in Seattle
2012 BMW x3/2008 TCS "Sunny"
I leave my fridge door cracked open when she's in the storage lot. If you have the dial turned to OFF, maybe you could also do that the next time you take SunnyT@B out?