How can I add a signature to my postings on the forum?

A forum signature is handy for people who create discussions and post comments to discussions in the forum area. Your signature is your identity and a special way for you to permanently sign your name or add personal information at the end of any comment you add to discussions. It certainly isn't mandatory for anyone to add a signature to their personal profile, but is very convenient and does eliminate having to add your name to every posting made on the forum. So with that being said I thought I would add some information and try to help members interested in creating a signature via your profile on the forum, and this is what you need to know and do to make it happen:

Proceed by performing the following:

1. Once you are in the forum area, click on your screen name (E.G., Michigan_Mike, etc.) and this will take you into your personal profile.
2. Look for the profile icon in the upper right-hand corner and click on it. Select, "Edit Profile."
3. Look to the lower left side of the new window you arrive at and the menu (and just below your photo) and select "signature settings."
4. The next window you see will now show a blank text box area just below the heading "Signature Code." You can now type in your desired/preferred signature information and when this is completed, select "save" and your newly entered information will now automatically be displayed within any future postings you make on the forum.
Mike - Elmira, Mi / 2019 T@B 400 / 2021 Chevy Silverado LTZ
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