Come join us at Okefenokee Swamp for this annual event.
Popular contests and spectator sports include --
- Stuffed T@B (how many people can fit in your T@B?)
- Dutch Oven Toss
- J@cknife Corner (bonus points for style)
- T@B 50-yard Push-Pull; tandem and solo categories
- B@ck It Up (distance championship)
- Sol@r Cornhole (played with mud pies and solar panels; low voltage wins)
- G@tor In My Wet Bath (bait restrictions will apply)
Juried awards for:
- Stinkiest grey water tank [Sorry, black water contest cancelled by health dept.]
- Largest and smallest tow vehicle
Plus the ever popular Mod Squ@d Series:
- Most expensive mod (just because)
- Most mods without breaking something
- Most holes drilled
- Craziest kitchen accessory
- Best decorated (yard ornaments included)
- Best t@too (decal, acrylic sign, paint, or sticker)
Also events/awards for solar, pets, and more. (I'll let others describe them.)
2015 T@B Max S (White/Silver) -> 2014 Ford Escape 2.0L (turbo, AWD, factory tow)
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Ok, now that I found my Irish Cream....
-Timed T@B cover install & removal (timed, singles & couples event, style points given for most inventive)
-Add a tent set-up (another timed event, singles and couples, again, style points given)
- Least messy gray & black water dump contest (gloves not allowed....)
- Messiest gray & black water dump contest ( better include the gloves, hip waders & rain gear on this one. (Googles optional, but highly recommended!) HAZMAT gear required, must have area cleaned per Health Dept. requirements at end of each contest ) ( Style points definitely given on this one
-Largest & smallest solar panels ( includes timed set-up )
-Longest solar extension cables ( and still have charging capabilities )
-Shortest solar extension cables
-Most mods done inside, and still be able to move around easily
-Most mods done on/in trailer tongue and still have room to set your beer/ coffee cup (or favorite beverage) without setting it on top of the propane cover
-Most mods done inside front propane/battery box ( and still be able to describe and point out everything in there )
-Unload & re-load everything inside propane/battery box ( yup, timed event )
-Most camping accessories deployed ( style points definitely! )
-Least camping accessories deployed ( must still be able to have shade, sit, and cook outside, other than CSS kitchen )
-Best lit T@B ( need 'ya ask about style points? ) Battery and shore power - separate events
-Most inventive fresh water fill method ( without getting air bubbles, and highest reading on inside meter )
-Fastest fresh water fill ( timed, and same rules apply as above)
-Timed unhitched 180* turn - pavement ( singles, couples, separate events )
-Timed unhitched 180* turn - gravel (again, singles, couples, separate events )
-Timed unhitched 180* turn - grass ( same rules apply as above stated )
-Timed unhitched 180* turn - sand ( bonus style points on this one, especially the singles event! )
Almost forgot, we're in the swamp, so...
-Most mosquito bites ( bites to be counted with a permanent marker, color to be chosen by contestants )
-Least mosquito bites ( you'll be required to give up the method of how you accomplished in this event )
-Connect the dots picture contest: winner, first, and second runner-up of above ( most bites ) contest to be canvases. Most recognizable picture, most colors used, largest areas used. Note: colors to be chosen by artists using all available permanent markers.
TV: 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 aka: WhiteWolf, or 1972 Chevy Custom10 P/U aka: SnarlingWolf
Spokane, Wa.
Eric aka: Lone Wolf
-Spare tire toss
-Most stickers and best use of room for stickers
-Best squashed bug collection
-Most items connected to one propane tank
-Loudest entertainment system
-Fastest fire start and then extinguished due to environmental conditions
-Quickest first aid application (due to pinched and stuck fingers)
-Longest time without a proper shower
-Longest time to stand close to a boondocker (see above)
2015 T@B M@X S White with Grey trim | TV 2021 Ascent Touring | Flagstaff AZ.