I've mentioned a couple times that my DH is 6'5". Last year we slept with our heads to the rear of the trailer and his feet were able to hang out over the end of the bench a bit, but this year I switched to thick Thermarest mattress pads which didn't leave much room under the overhead cabinets. Would have been bonked heads for sure. So we flipped around and have been sleeping with our heads toward the front of the trailer, but DH's pillow would work its way off during the night and fall on Max who sleeps beside the door.
So I constructed a bench extension for him. It adds approximately 8" to the length of the bench for a total of 80". Made from 1/2" PVC with a scrap plywood top. There are two angle brackets that fit into the side of the bench and hold it in place. There is still room to go in and out of the door.

The underside of the extension showing the angle bracket construction. I wrapped the brackets well with the soft side of Velcro tape to protect the bench finish. Once in place it is very secure.
2017 T@B Outback MaxS, 2016 Toyota 4Runner Trail.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.