I am registered and coming Sun night but this is all new to me. I am a new Tab owner and want to buy bed slats, AC cover and have a fan cover installed on the roof. I might get other ideas while there!
If you are coming to the nuCamp 17 Rally and have been/were registered in advance you should have received the survey sent out within the last two weeks "via email" by rally officials from nuCamp. The survey needs to be filled out completely and was supposed to have been completed a week ago today as I recall? The survey did contain various questions and asked whether or not you needed work on your trailer, asked for t-shirt size, etc. as this is their way of planning in advance for the event.
I was told this AM that their repair work schedule is filling up quickly and was told that you need to contact Austin Jones for any repair work/installation work and you need to do this ASAP.
Thank you. I did fill out the survey and indicated my interest. Austin was supposed to call me after Memorial Day about my inquiry and I never heard back. Hard to get calls answered so I thought I might be more successful in site. But then of course there may not be availability.
I was told this AM that their repair work schedule is filling up quickly and was told that you need to contact Austin Jones for any repair work/installation work and you need to do this ASAP.
General Contact
nüCamp RV - Pleasant Valley Teardrop Trailers
661 Belden Pkwy (PO BOX 395)
Sugarcreek, OH 44681
Toll-Free Number: 844.823.9112
Phone: (330) 852-4811
Austin Jones - x 309