I had posted once here already asking if anyone had any experiences with running two yamaha 2K generators in parallel mode, specifically noise, and whether it would run the T@B 400 air. Today, I got to try it out and got my answer.
My first thought was to install an Easy Start on the air unit itself, but after researching the older yamaha ef20000is, I read it couldn't do it, even with an Easy Start installed. The older model is only able to sustain about 20 secs surge power before overloading. The newer ef2000isv2, has a improved board, and can sustain longer surges. You can run the new Yamaha with an old one in parallel mode, but the new one will defer to the older one's board. Still, because of the increased output of two running together, you can run the air, but you have to be slow on increasing compressor demand or it will trip the older yamaha.
Another reason I went to parallel, is because I got timid. I am enclosing a picture of the 400's air unit in situ. It can be done (if I had a different generator to start, I would have tried), but you will have to do some surgery to get to the bottom right panel in the picture. Also, as confirmed by Easy Start, the box would have to be mounted outside of the unit, as there is no room in the compartment to mount it. Not a deal breaker, but I hate cutting up things on something I just bought.

Knowing that I would still have to get a new generator with the Easy Start, I opted to get anther Yamaha with a parallel cable. Reason being, I can lift both generators - one in each hand - and move them without rupturing a disk. I can only pack one for battery recharging if I don't need air.
I tried it out a few hours ago; temp outside is 75 deg. The first time I turned on the air, it tripped. That's when I realized I had set the unit to 55 deg. to keep it from running with the Alde when I last had it out. I reset it to 72 deg., put the fan on low, and tried again. It had no problem this time. After letting it run for about 10 minutes, I turned it down to 68 deg. and then turned on electric for the hot water. Wow! That air unit will run you out of the camper - is it ever cold! Both generators stayed in Eco mode. And, in answering the question of noise from my former post, I was pleased to hear that 2 generators were barely louder than one.
Why is this a big deal to me? Because after a prolonged power outage last summer from Hermine, being able to get into my truck camper and turn the air on for a few hours was a big relief. After a storm, you have stagnant humid, and hot, air and you stay in a sweat. There is no telling when you will get power back again. Occasionally, I boondock and we are quickly getting into the warm weather again - nights are warming up. You either wait for a spot to open in the State Parks for shore power, or you deal with it. Did I mention that solar is difficult when you have a lot of tree cover and it won't run the air?