@Tiny_Travelers, just responded to your other post, asking the same question. The platform appears to be the standard platform on the "Boondock" or "Outback" edition of t@b. They are available from the manufacturer, NuCamp. Contact numbers are listed on the left side of the page. Look for a number in the parts department. Good luck and welcome.
I was lucky and found one right here on the site and the guy was nice enough to meet me half way on the road and pick it up. I was quoted 500.00/for freight alone by 2 different dealers. I would suggest finding a dealer that can order it close enough to where you live and pick it up from them. Might save you hundreds.I checked and we can ship direct. Your price is $1,650.00 + tax = $127.87 or $1,7778.87 final. This was the text I received from one dealer, as you can see gets expensive. This was with the Propane/ Battery Tub also. Good luck The place was in Dan Diego called Little Guy Trailers, The other was in Minnesota called Elk River RV.
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.