Protective Grate for Under Sink Cabinet

Dear All-See pic of my solution for keeping stuff stored under the sink from banging into the pipes...The guard pieces are made of shelf pieces cut to size with a snipper and fastened in place.
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  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @tabfruit my only thought is that you’ve got a lot of wasted space. I’ll try to post a pic of mine later, but I’ve never had problems with storing things under there and bumping issues. Everyone’s different mods is another thing that keeps things interesting! 
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • tabfruittabfruit Member Posts: 9
    Hi Homebody at heart: The picture might be slightly deceiving as that first guard is flush against the black pipe almost and there is a lot of room to place a few things behind the grates but without 3d it's hard to see. Another Tab person was saying watch out for sink leeks from this black pipe like any sink really. I am nuts about my house pipes-No touching!! :)
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