@Papa, probably not. Most of us have had similar experience. I usually use the a/c as a last resort to being comfortable. By then, I don't care if it's noisy, breezy or whatever, just glad it cools.
@Papa mine works fine at low speed. My manual says to slowly change/increase speed or temperature, one thing at a time. So I started my A/C on the low fan setting, then slowly, every few minutes, increased the temp dial. Finally at #8 I could hear the A/C kick on and cool.
Debbie in Oregon 2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5