I added this shelf a while ago. No one ever sits on that side so it was just unused space. When I built it, I must have mismeasured because it was too tall It somewhat blocked the latches to open the blinds. Plus, once I put the Keurig and my reading materials on it, I had no room for other stuff. It was time to update it. I shortened the height by 2". It now sits at the top of the cushion instead of above it. I added the tissue box holder which is another one of my designs/3D prints. I moved the power strip to make it more convenient. I can also plug the power strip in to my inverter if needed. I then added the shelf for my reading stuff. Lastly, I added a couple USB ports that run directly off the battery. I now have lots more room on the top shelf.
The wire to the right is for my weather station. I put it away when traveling. The arm to the left is for my iPad. The blue thing on the top left on the top shelf is my iPhone/Apple Watch dock.
2 sets of USB ports. The upper run off 110v while the bottom run off 12v. Yes, I have an inverter but I can run the bottom ports using much less power than having to turn on the inverter if I don't need it for anything else.