After review of the other posts, I decided the vent on the front cover of the fridge mechanicals of our TAB 320 would be beneficial.
We found this nice looking metal sheeting at our local LOWES, the piece is installed with both adhesive sealant and backed up with aluminum foil tape.
While reviewing the limited access to the fridge, I opted to pull the fridge out about 8 inches to access the rear area, I placed insulated foil backed material designed for automotive sound/heat dampening on the wall of both the front of the trailer and the wall between the fridge and the sink.
I was pleased to find an access panel under the sink cabinet, with that removed I could reach in and around the fridge cooling fins with ease.
Purchased a small roll of flashing material and glued onto the heat side of the access panel, installed two small computer cooling fans attached to aluminum channel and wired in parallel with the factory temperature activated cooling fan.