Dirt Dauber / Mud Wasp warning...

I reside in the Deep South, and store my T@B in my barn. While doing a walk around recently I was alarmed to see a dirt dauber emerge from the exhaust port of the Alde... After ifurther inspection I found no evidence of mud nests... ALL openings are at risk for blockage due to these nests... 
I have put duct tape over the port
also taped all drains under my T@B
A partially blocked exhaust could cause a buildup of carbon monoxide or damage to Alde.
i put a sock over the vent for toilet on roof.
i have seen the damage these insects can do, and am amazed at some of the places they find to build nests... 
DONT forget to remove these items before use!!!
Hope this helps someone.


  • ChanWChanW Member Posts: 3,162
    Oops, thanks for the reminder Delta. 

    I've made little screen covers for all dauber-attractive openings like drain tubes, furnace inlet/outlet, and fridge inlet/outlet.

    The ones for the hoses are permanent, but I have to remember to put the others on in the spring.

    I guess spring is here! :-)

    Chan  -  near Buffalo NY
    2014 S Maxx
    2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah! 

  • RZRBUGRZRBUG Member Posts: 890
    I bought a package of various sized corks that I use to plug all the drain pipes.  I made a cover out of a small plastic container that I bought at the dollar store to cover the furnace exhaust (don't have the Alde).  I drilled a hole in the bottom and attached an S-hook to an eye-glasses keeper that I run through the hole and hook to a cross piece in the exhaust.  I cut a piece of Plexiglas to fit the A/C vent and hold it on with industrial strength Velcro (just completed a trip and had no problems with it staying on).  I put a window A/C cover over the vent cover and bungee the bottom tight.  No daubers, wasps or ants so far.

    Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra

    Happy Trails Y'all

    States Visited Map

  • Deltaboy59Deltaboy59 Member Posts: 315
    Good points. I think I will get some corks also...I think I can use a round plastic container as you did for my Alde exhaust...more permanent solution than my good ole duct tape.
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