Prize Fight - Fridge vs AC

Hate heat and humidity and that's what it is today so broke down and fired up the AC. Took off for the nearest town for an hour and it was much better than it had been but still too warm for my liking. Took a full two hours to get it down from 92 to 78. Even then, it was noticeably warmer in the front than the back - gotta be the fridge heat doing it. Have two temp gauges so decided to measure it. First I balanced them out in the back (first pic). Then moved one up front not the cutting board over the sink (second pic). Pretty big difference. Would probably benn more if I'd have set it on the stovetop right over the fridge.
LG installs a fan in the AC cabinet with a switch. Think they need to do the same to vent the fridge heat also.


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