Our little T@B is growing up! Is bigger better?



  • N7SHG_HamN7SHG_Ham Member Posts: 1,261
    We looked at both, 320 was non starter on size, especially the bath. Only downside with 400 is crawling over outside person to get out of bed. If the Avia was out (depending on price of course) that might of been an option for us.
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite
  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 610
    As @MuttonChops said, I'd like an in between...a couple inches higher but would still fit in an 8' garage door, no wider, and a foot or so longer. If the kitchen and bath were moved to the center section, then using both would be so much easier. A two person dinette in front and a bed in back. Like the Airstream Sport at 16'.
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • gooseladygooselady Member Posts: 177
    I had an opportunity to take a look at the 400 in person.  It was nice enough and set up well for a couple, but as a solo traveler, I'll stick with the 320.  The smaller size, maneuverability, and simplicity  suits me to a T.  Also, I being able to tow with a minivan.  The 400 would require a bigger tow vehicle, and then the entire tow package gets bigger and more complicated.  When I replace my van in a couple years, I'll take another look at the 400 (and hope all the bugs are worked out).  But until then, I am more than satisfied with the 320.

    Another option in the future would be the Cirrus truck camper, which I like better than the 400.  I really like the Cirrus!
  • nbrandtnbrandt Member Posts: 65
    We have had a T@G for three years and I have absolutely loved it.  Granted it is a "fair-weather" camper.  However, it proved too difficult for my wife to not have a place to sit down and put clothes on and the lack of a bathroom was a concern.  We went to trade in the T@G for a T@B and both of us really wanted the T@B CSS, but with all of the 320 models we encountered they were all about 1 inch short.  We are average height, but still could not really stand up anywhere in them without our head slightly bent over.  So we went with the T@B 400.  We have yet to "get out" with it, but will as the spring progresses.  If we could have bought a T@B 400 with the Clamshell style that would have been our preference.  I am sure we will like making coffee indoors but as we are able I sense that we will still be doing our cooking outside (I will just have to purchase a portable stove and get things from the fridge on the inside).
    This "is bigger better?" question is very valid though. Wind and weight are the biggest enemies of towing.  The T@G wins hands down!  I have lost the ability to store and work on my camper in my garage.  The T@B 400 has also pushed us into a different TV with a 400 lb tongue weight and higher weight of the trailer itself.   Everyone should be checking this if they have a unibody type of vehicle.  Without a genuine frame beneath the body most vehicles cannot support the tongue weight of the T@B 400.  My owners manual on my Volvo XC60 says: 165 lb tongue weight limit.
    In the end, there are trade-offs.  We shall see.  We shall see.

  • TabneroTabnero Member Posts: 237
    I missed the poll. I am waiting for walk around queen bed in the 400 with a pull out kitchen outdoors or clam shell style back end without a body style change. Come on Nucamp, you can do this and it will be perfect and solve a lot of problems
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