Newbie in Hawaii

Glad to have found this forum with so many friendly/helpful Tab owners out there. As stated I have just bought a 2nd hand  2016 Tab Max Outback with so many options and the price was almost too good to pass on. Best of all, it has never been used, kitchen or bathroom are virgin as owners only camped in their yard for a night so it is practically in 'show room condition'.  
The only thing missing is all the instructions and brochures on the many systems of this computer on wheels, so I'm taking my time and getting to know it slowly.  Unfortunately Hawaii is not the most RV friendly place to have an RV and I don't have access to the many RV dealers that you guys have on the mainland, so I'll be asking a few stupid questions and hope that you guys can bare with me to help get this rig on the road.
Looking forward to my first camp, but want to get to know my high tech rig before talking the wife into joining me.
More later,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    Wow! Hawaii?  I wonder how much nuCamp charges for shipping to Hawaii?
    There is much info about the systems available here on this forum.  Also a lot of info on the manufacturers websites.  Ask away with your questions.  Someone here has the answers.  If no answers you'll certainly get a lot of opinions and you can take your pick.

  • NCNativeNCNative Member Posts: 95
    Welcome and congratulations on your new T@B! I have found this forum immensely helpful when I had any questions or concerns.
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite   
    SF Bay Area
  • linolino Member Posts: 231
    Glad to see you found this place
    Yeah, you guys seem like a friendly and helpful bunch of guys/gals.  As to the cost of shipping $ to Hawaii...........the previous owners paid over $6k to ship.  About 30% of the cost of the rig.
  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    And for that they "only camped in their yard for a night?"
  • MiquelCamoMiquelCamo Member Posts: 91
    Aloha Nui Loa! Welcome to the forum. You should find all the help you need here including manuals.

    Which island do you live on? I'm hoping Maui as I'd like to see pictures of you on the road to Hana. I would have loved to have our camper on the Hana coast when we were there. The drive is pretty challenging but after seeing the cattle trailers I know it can be done.

    Mike and Lisa Campbell
    Springfield, MO
    2016 T@B Max S - Sold March 2020

    edited November 2019
    I'm on the Big Isle and unfortunately it's not too camper friendly as it used to be back in the day. No private rv parks and the county and state have a ban due to the homelessness problem so I'll have to set up a network of campsites with friends and may even buy a cheap lot on a recent lava flow in Kalapana and use it as a getaway while I improve it.
    Have heard that Maui still has legal campsites and a thriving RV rental business and may check into that if shipping my Tab is not too expensive.  Yeah, the Hana road is quite challenging, but these Tags tow so easily.
    I am toying with the idea of offering her up for vacation rental and would prefer to rent to experienced Tab owners while visiting Hawaii and want to get away from the 'tourist trail/rut'.  Do you think there would be much interest in this by other Tab owners visiting our beautiful islands?

  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,064
    You can always hope the Hawaii Superferry comes back.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • MiquelCamoMiquelCamo Member Posts: 91
    I'm on the Big Isle and unfortunately it's not too camper friendly as it used to be back in the day. No private rv parks and the county and state have a ban due to the homelessness problem so I'll have to set up a network of campsites with friends and may even buy a cheap lot on a recent lava flow in Kalapana and use it as a getaway while I improve it.
    Have heard that Maui still has legal campsites and a thriving RV rental business and may check into that if shipping my Tab is not too expensive.  Yeah, the Hana road is quite challenging, but these Tags tow so easily.
    I am toying with the idea of offering her up for vacation rental and would prefer to rent to experienced Tab owners while visiting Hawaii and want to get away from the 'tourist trail/rut'.  Do you think there would be much interest in this by other Tab owners visiting our beautiful islands?

    I wondered if you'd be renting it out. I for one would be very interested if it was on Maui or Lanai. I've been to Hawaii four times with three of those to Maui. I'll be curious if others feel the same. 
    Mike and Lisa Campbell
    Springfield, MO
    2016 T@B Max S - Sold March 2020

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