2021 320 new molding coming loose

Has anyone else had problems with the new outside molding that follows the keder rail coming loose on their 2021 320?  The molding is lifting up on both sides at the third junction - the one over the window.  The plastic molding is held into a groove with some caulking and 2 different types of metal body panel clips.  See below.

We just bought this trailer used and I knew about this issue.  The original owner said he contacted NuCamp and they were going to send him some new clips, but he's not heard anything yet.  I'm curious as to whether this is a one-off on our trailer or if this is a wider issue.


2021 320S BD
2006 F-150
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho


  • webers3webers3 Member Posts: 417
    edited March 2021
    It's happening on my 2017 320s so I guess it has not been addressed yet. The small screw holding it tends to pop out, I used a larger screw to hold it and caulked the gap just in case.
    2017 T@B 320S   2019 Jeep Cherokee - Southern Connecticut
  • cyoungcyoung Member Posts: 54
    I had the same issue on mine but not as bad as your picture shows. I squirted clear silicone into the edges of the trim and and applied pressure using a home made clamp setup. I let the silicone cure for a couple of days before removing the clamps. So far it has worked great and has not lifted.    
    2021 320 BOONDOCK, 2017 F150 2.7 ECOBOOST
  • gulfareagulfarea Member Posts: 524
    I had same prob on 2016 320. Art
    2019 TaB 320 S Boondock Edge
  • DalehelmanDalehelman Member Posts: 2,414
    I would not use any silicone products as an adhesive. I have not found anything that will remove it completely, and nothing I have found will stick where it has been used. Many others on this forum have found this product to work very well. It is generally available at Walmart in the RV / Auto section.
    1. Hash  T@B Fun
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    The molding was changed with the 2021 T@B’s, so it is not exactly the same as previous years. 

    @WayneW, contact warranty@nucamprv.com to see if they will help you under their warranty policy.  
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • RadcatRadcat Member Posts: 20
    +1 on Dalehelman's warning on silicone. This stuff should only he used in limited applications like bedding certain types of windows to frames as recommended by the manufacturer. Boaters are notorious for misapplication of this stuff. There are a lot of other sealing solutions based on the materials you want to bond. 3m, Sekaflex and Boat Life all offer a range of good products. Check around your camper and you will see a number of items that are bedded with butyl tape. This is an excellent product for bolting hardware but be aware that not all brands are created equal. The best I have found is sold by MarineHowTo.com. Although the site is geared toward boaters, there are a number of articles that would also apply to RVs. 
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    @WayneW - as Verna noted, the decorative molding was changed because the previous molding ended up cracking.  So, although a hassle, having to replace clips is better than cracked molding.  Let nuCamp know.  Maybe the clips will need to be secured in place somehow.  
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • kbdigitiqekbdigitiqe Member Posts: 168
    We had that whole piece fly off of our 320 during high winds on the highway in NM last summer, NuCamp sent us a new piece under warranty but I ended up taking it to our dealer to install.. the dealer was very familiar with the process of that tells ya anything 
  • kbdigitiqekbdigitiqe Member Posts: 168
    This is what it looks like underneath if it helps anyone

  • WayneWWayneW Member Posts: 212
    Thanks. That is the same section I’m having problems with. At least I’m not alone!
    2021 320S BD
    2006 F-150
    Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
  • PhilWPhilW Member Posts: 12
    This is my biggest complaint about my 2020 320S Boondock Edge. The trim installation was poor at best. On my unit, the plastic trim was not installed to completely cover the 1" wide aluminum strip and the rubber weather strip is coming out from the wind while driving. If you remove the keder rail that will expose the screws that are used to attach the plastic trim. I had to remove mine in order to reattach the rubber weather strip. Be aware that when you re-install you will probably not be able to match all the original holes in the T@B if you are trying to reposition the trim. 
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