Was recently speaking with a fellow RVer, who had his camper stolen from a locked, "secure" storage facility. Of this was before he installed any type of locks (wheel lock, tongue lock, etc.). Just curious if others use any type of GPS locator device with app ? If so, what are you using, cost (initial and recurring), battery life, and performance ? Thanks so much !
Charlotte, NC NuCamp 320S Boondock
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You pay for the unit (about $100) and then a satellite plan ($10-15/mo). I occasionally see deals.
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
Unless you are on the tracking immediately or the police are, chances of recovery in a condition you want back are slim. In just a few hours rattle can paint and/or stuff removed and usually not gently.
Inside a building the signal to satellite and sometimes cell is iffy due to metal roofs and siding on a typical warehouse, so signal may be lost. loJack is different in that it uses radio signals and is tracked with a reciver on the ground typically by police agencies. That service is not available in all areas though.
I take reasonable precautions to secure both my Tab and cargo trailers and buy insurance and hope for best. My cargo trailer at times has way more value in it than a Tab. And no theft since 2005. I think a lot of Tab owners are new to a trailer and while more than pocket change, in the big scheme of RV's, there are a lot that are way more expensive and not harder or easier to steal than a Tab. If it is a felony, then why waste time on a $30k theft vs a $100k+? Jail time is same and potentially much bigger returns. I would lay money that no trailer thief is doing it because they want to go camping, they either are going to chop it and sell parts or flip it ASAP often after giving it a $10 paint job.
Go camping and worry less
You do what's right for you. But I didn't even get the tracker to recover a stolen trailer. I got it so my family members can find me if something goes wrong while I'm traveling alone. I bought it right after this incident in which a woman went missing for a few days after taking a wrong turn on a forest road from a campground that I had been at just a few months earlier.
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
I’m considering a tracker to address these concerns.
2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York