Fridge Norcold 4000 …TAB 400 2021 BDL

HaroloHarolo Member Posts: 30
Hi Tabbers
I have a problem with my fridge (3way) when I switch from electricity to propane (code 3 appears on the screen)I tried over and over again same results: 
1-I have full of propane
2-valve in open position
3 -I hear the pilot's ciick click!
im in Canada right now and no dealer anywhere ... the fridge is new (1.5 month) never been  used on propane ... nucamp has installed a new fridge  beginning of June but it was for another problem which has nothing to do with the problem I have today! 
I need your help guys! 
Thanks Harold B 


  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,746
    Looking at the Norcold 4000 User Manual there really aren't any of the smaller unit "user knobs" to play with . . . just that touch screen.  With no personal direct experience using the N4000 series I suggest you consider:

      a)  Make sure you have good gas flow at the stove.  Then try getting the Fridge to start on propane several times with an 'Off' in between each attempt, this is included in the Norcold 4000 Troubleshooting section.  Could take a while to clear any air from the gas line to the Fridge.

      b)  Might try setting the Temperature to Maximum before or while the 'sparker' is running.  Telling Fridge to get super cold while in propane mode means the internal gas valve would be wide open.

      c)  User Manual discusses the fire box access, you might open it an try match lighting the burner - -  using great caution and completely at your own risk  ;) - -
    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
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  • narniaorwhatnarniaorwhat Member Posts: 15
    @Harolo we have a 2021 Tab400 and same thing happened to us. Worked like a charm last year when we purchased it, went camping this year for the first time on Memorial Day weekend and fridge wouldn’t work on propane, worked great on shore power before we left. With covid it was hard to find a place to get in to have it looked at and the dealer we got it from was not an option, warranty work they did on the TAB was horrible at best and I ended up fixing it myself. Anyway we got it in and it just needs a new board. It took the place about two weeks to get it from norcold (I had to call norcold because they weren’t responding to the repair place) and I just heard from the place I took it too it’s up and running and ready for pick up. 
  • TomCanadaTomCanada Member Posts: 290
    I definitely need to run the stove for a bit before getting a reliable start on the fridge.  Let it go for at least 30 seconds.  Just because the stove lit doesn't mean all the air is out of the pipes and you should let it bleed out that way before trying the fridge. I find it helps to start it at home, then turn off the fridge and outside propane (in that order) to keep the lines primed with gas for when you start it on arrival.
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2021
    I have a 2021 Tab400 BD that we just picked up from the dealer.  I am having the same issue getting my fridge to ignite.
    (1) propane tank is full
    (2) I ran the stove for more than a minute
    (3) I verified that the igniter is creating spark by removing the exterior vent cover and looking in the ignition peep hole
    (4) I repeated the on/off troubleshooting process per the user manual at least 20 times and the error code 3 kept returning 

    I am wondering if anyone knows what this screw is for on the propane connection.  I was hoping maybe it’s a manual bleeder valve or possibly a regulator  for the fridge propane. It is located behind the fridge and can be viewed by removing the exterior vent cover outside the camper
  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,746
    Snoblett said:

    I am wondering if anyone knows what this screw is for on the propane connection.

    Only a guess - - - believe that is the manual gas shut off valve.
    When the Flat Tip Screw Driver Slot is vertical the Gas is OFF
    I do not know if your picture shows the valve as part open or fully open.
    One might assume when the Flat Tip Screw Driver Slot is horizontal the Gas is fully ON.

    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • TABNewbiesTABNewbies Member Posts: 90
    Hi @Snoblett. In same model, my fridge is running on propane now with exactly the same screw orientation as your picture. So don’t think that is issue. Fridge propane operations have worked fine, but always after shore power cool down I admit.
    2021 T@B 400 BD T@bitha with 2016 Highlander
    Juliet and Andy in Massachusetts
  • Tabbers4LifeTabbers4Life Member Posts: 9
    Went back to the dealer with this problem. The tech there diagnosed a bad electrical connection in the area behind the grilled outside panel. He fooled with the connection and everything worked.
  • SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2021
    I spoke with customer service today and told them of the issue.  They contacted Norcold who said I need to bring it in for service.   Ugh!

    they are very cautious about offering any DIY solutions with propane.  It makes sense, I guess.

    The knob is a manual shut off for the propane, apparently…

     No the brass knob on the gas valve is to open and close the valve manually [not a bleeder].  But if they are getting a 3 code that is something that would have to be looked at and diagnosed by a service center.  It can be a number of things for that code.”
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