Please, A Moment of Silence…

…for those of us who are winterizing our beloved Tabs! Looking at the weather outlook I reluctantly decided that today was the day to winterize. Might be the warmest till spring, or close to it! I channeled my inner @ericnliz, who would have been thrilled that I double checked my notes in the manual. Eric was my winterizing mentor, along with @Dalehelman. Anyway, Ladybug is all set for whatever winter throws at us this year. It was a good camping season, although it feels too short somehow.  :)
2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red


  • DalehelmanDalehelman Member Posts: 2,414
    Isn’t the Tab  breakfast this Saturday?
    1. Hash  T@B Fun
  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,745
    Isn’t the Tab  breakfast this Saturday?

    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • berggerbergger Moderator Posts: 1,078
    I had to winterize ours a good 3 weeks ago due to the temps.  But we are going still taking her out camping this weekend.  We will use the heat just not the water system.  You can still camp when winterized.  But most likely this will be the final trip for us this year.  With temps next week dipping down to 15 degrees overnight its just too cold for us to camp! 
    2021 T@b 400 BD  "Vixen Gail" 
    2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
    Leadville Colorado
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @MuttonChops and @Dalehelman yes, this Saturday at Perkins. See you there! 

    @bergger I’ve been watching for favorite sites at my closest State Park, and will also dry camp if I go. I love my Alde heat, and it’s not really extra work to dry camp. A plus is that we can now use propane fire pits again since we’re getting rain! The urge to keep camping is strong this year! 
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • GatorEggGatorEgg Member Posts: 482
    Definitely, a moment of silence for y’all.  Our great camping season is just beginning here, SW Fla.  Whats “winterizing”? 😄
    2022 TAB 400 Boondock, 2019 Toyota Tacoma Sport 4x4
    2018 TAB 320 Boondock (previous)
    Odessa, Fl.  

  • berggerbergger Moderator Posts: 1,078
    GatorEgg said:
    Definitely, a moment of silence for y’all.  Our great camping season is just beginning here, SW Fla.  Whats “winterizing”? 😄
    I'd rather winterize than deal with the bugs, rain and humidity!  =)  But ask me that question again come February and we'll see what I have to say! 

    @Homebodyatheart we'll also be using out little red propane fire pit this weekend to hopefully take the chill of in the evenings.  On a side note does anybody no exactly what quick connect hose I need to connect to the rear propane port on my 400 and then connect to my fire pit?  I was at a dealership today and they had nothing.  It'd be nice to not have to bring the extra propane tank. 
    2021 T@b 400 BD  "Vixen Gail" 
    2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
    Leadville Colorado
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @bergger I can’t answer your quick release question, but my solution was to purchase an 11gal propane tank, which is a good size to tote around, and then you can put your fire pit wherever you want it to be. They are pretty close in weight, so one in each hand is simple! 

    Now about those February doldrums… that’s when I go out, crank up the Alde, come back two hours later (or break out the space heater till it’s warm enough) and put on a good movie! Bug makes a great winter hideout and my family knows where I’m hiding.  =)

    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • berggerbergger Moderator Posts: 1,078
    I may just get a smaller tank for our fire pit instead of hauling a 20lbs tank around.  But by February I'll have 4-6 feet of snow in my yard and will be busy just snow blowing and shoveling my way out of my house!  No camping for me it's ski season!!
    2021 T@b 400 BD  "Vixen Gail" 
    2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
    Leadville Colorado
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