Left Alde on!

Just got back from a nice weekend trip.  
I thought I checked everything before we left, but I just realized that I accidentally left the Alde powered on.  I had drained the water and closed the propane, so I had a gas failure fault when I got home.  I assume there are safeties to avoild damage when this happens...but I'm not really sure.  Obviously, it couldn't heat with propane...but could it have tried heating with electricity if there was no water in the system?  I'm hoping I didn't cause any damage.  I didn't want to try anything tonight before asking the question.  Any help would be appreciated!


  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    No damage was done, the camper needs to be connected to Shore Power before the Alde can use electrical heater elements to heat the Alde up.  Even if the A
    de came on with the Hot water tanks empty, it would just heat up the glycol fluid, and nothing else.  You can use the Alde for heat with empty water tanks, just select the Water Icon until the arrow is empty (not shaded), the Alde will not come on until cabin temp drops below selected temp on the control panel.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • One thing to keep in mind about using Alde on electric. Its very important to turn it off at the panel before disconnecting from power or you may blow the fuse on top if the Alde. I left mine on one time and it blew the fuse and it's just a pain to remove all the bedding to get to the Alde. They even include extra fuses in there because I guess it's a fairly common thing to happen. I actually got in the habit of turning it completly off when I don't need heat or hot water. 
  • Basil48192Basil48192 Member Posts: 350
    Thank you both!!!  I can sleep tonight!
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