I am considering moving the batteries on my T@B 320S BD from the exterior cargo box to the storage compartment under the right bench (photo below). There is enough room for both batteries (a pair of BB 100 Ah LFPs) to be located in a fore/aft configuration and I can also mount both my Renogy DC-DC charger and Victron Smart Shunt on the back wall, getting them out of the weather.
I would plan to leave the existing electrical connections in the cargo box, but also will rewire things a bit with a positive and negative bus in a waterproof enclosure. I will need to run the battery cables forward from the interior compartment which will entail making a penetration somewhere through the floor of the camper. Any suggestions on where and how to do this?
It looks like there is already a floor penetration in the adjacent rear compartment that houses the Elwell A/C unit (see photo). It would be great if it was possible to use it for the battery cables, but it looks like the guide tube is not large enough to handle two 8 AWG cables. I haven't yet removed the corrugated plastic shield on the underside of the camper to check things simply because it is held in place with a ton of fasteners. I assume that I will need to remove it in its entirety, but thought I'd ask before going through all of that tedious work.
A final question: Is there an alternative to what I suggested that does not involve going through the floor? Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.
Right-side bench storage compartment
Rear bench storage compartment (existing penetration visible adjacent to wall, in front of duct hose)
2021 T@B 320 S Boondock / 2022 Telluride - Phillies/Eagles/Flyers Country
More info: https://solocanoes.com/camper.htm
2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York
Ontario, Canada
2018 Tab 400
Ford F150 2.7 Lariat
This "exploding alternator" has approached internet legend quality.
Did Battleborn have any examples of this actually happening? In what situations? "Could draw a lot of current" in what situations? In what size of a battery bank? With what size alternators? Why can't their BMS control for this?
Lithiums are 90 percent a straight drop in replacement. It shouldn't be this hard (and this spendy) to add a lithium to your trailer.
Rant complete! I fully respect your mods here.
Ken / 2023 Tab 400 “La Bolita” (23,000+ miles) / 2024 Toyota Sequoia
2025 - 1 Trip - 16 nights - 2 National Parks
Victron very clearly explain and demonstrate what can happen.
I should note that even with a dc-dc charger there are many variables to concider as it is likey no two installs have exactly the same setup. Dc-dc manufacture and model, Batteries (size, charge rating, voltage, etc.) altinator capacities, distances from the TV to dc-dc charger then to batteries. Etc.
I found it took alot of reseach to figure things out. So it's likely going pro is the best choice for those who are not handy or don't want to invest the time.
Ontario, Canada
2018 Tab 400
Ford F150 2.7 Lariat
2022 T@B 320-S Boondock Edition
2022 Outback Limited XT
SOK 100ah LiFeP04 Battery
2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York