2022 T@B 400 Boondock.
Dewinterized last week and am camping now, water and electric hookups, water pressure is only 30 psi. Noticed a drip from the trim along the left rear just forward of the exterior storage door. Thought it was leftover rain from the previous day but seeing that it was still dripping after a day without rain, I started poking around. Storage area is damp on the floor, middle under bed storage has a damp floor and then I saw this dripping, what is it? I tightened up the clear plastic cover and the leak seems to have stopped but is there anything I can do to prevent it from loosening back up? Is it a common issue? Thank you.

2022 T@B 400 BD, with 2-way refrigerator and AllPro Awning
TV is a 2021 Honda Passport Elite w/ transmission cooler and Redarc Liberty Trailer Brake Controller
2021 Toyota RAV4 TRD Off Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Instagram: new.t@bventure
2022 T@B 400 BD, with 2-way refrigerator and AllPro Awning