Inverter bad? 2021 Tab 400 boondock

Where is the inverter in this camper please? 
It doesn’t light up when I hit the power button. I’ve checked the fuses in the kitchen area. I read some of the posts but am not super literate with this stuff. Thanks for any help!


  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,745
    Comments in other threads note the Inverter location as:

       " The fuse is located between the battery box and inverter.  On a 2021 his location is in the middle back area behind the lift up storage compartment.  You need to remove the screws on the cover plywood panel under the bunk. "

    Reference Wiring Diagram:

    Note there is a 150A in-line Fuse to Inverter.

    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • JeneenaeJeneenae Member Posts: 15
    Okay so thank you so much for the information. If I’m understanding this correctly…my tv is working but  the outlet and the indicator light to the inverter power switch is not. Should I assume the inverter is okay and there is an issue with the bed cubby outlet? 
  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,745
    @Jeneenae ;  Time for more details on your present TaB-400 situation.

    Are you now on Shore Power (trailer plugged into a house outlet or CGround power post?

       The installed inverter is Smart - - - if you have Shore Power the inverter will direct/switch the 120VAC directly to the inverter outlets.

       When you have no Shore Power, are using battery and solar only, then you would need to 'turn the inverter on' to power outlets like the TeleV.
    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • BinghiBinghi Member Posts: 352
    The television in the 2021 400 BD is DC powered and does not require the inverter to be turned on in order to operate. At least that’s the way ours worked, before we removed it.

    The inverter is in the battery compartment under the bed behind the under-bed storage area. The way NuCamp constructed the battery compartment lid makes the compartment difficult to access. I ended up removing the struts for the storage area lid to allow me to take both lids off at once and gain easier access to the battery and inverter.
    2021 400 BD / 2016 VW Touareg / Austin, TX
  • JeneenaeJeneenae Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for your detailed response! We have been using battery power. It’s currently not plugged into house outlet but we did so overnight trying to charge it thinking that there is not enough power to even turn on the inverter. I’m wondering if it just wasn’t enough of a charge at least I’m hoping. But currently it’s not plugged in just battery.
    and also thank you about the TV being DC powered. 
  • JeneenaeJeneenae Member Posts: 15
    So I took it over to a friends and hooked it up to 30 amp service just to make sure that it wasn’t undercharged. Next I think I will check the connections for the power button panel and the outlet itself. There is supposed to be an inline fuse I can only assume that is in the kitchen area with the other fuses 

    does anyone know  where that inline fuse for the inverter is ?????

    It just may mean a new inverter since from what I can discern they do go bad. I will then need to decide if it is worth it to replace the inverter and or try to do it myself. 😬 and or call a dealer 
  • beachman77beachman77 Member Posts: 4
    new owner of a used 2021 tab 400 boondocks, where is the switch to turn on or off the inverter?  which outlets run off the inverter when not on shore power
  • BinghiBinghi Member Posts: 352
    The only outlet I believe that runs off the inverter is in the bedroom cubby. The switch is in the cubby as well.

    2021 400 BD / 2016 VW Touareg / Austin, TX
  • JeneenaeJeneenae Member Posts: 15
    Okay so the latest news is that we (my son) found the in line fuse for inverter. There is another panel that screws out it’s super secret at the back of the garage storage under the bed I’ll send a picture later I will also let you know if that fixes the issue. I spoke with the inverter company and there is yet another fuse within the inverter itself which would need to be cracked open after dismounting it! I can’t wait to see if this solves the issue we ordered the fuse online and it should have been delivered to my sons yesterday. 
  • JeneenaeJeneenae Member Posts: 15

    It worked the inverter is working🥳 the in-line fuse 
    it is behind this panel! 
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