Star Bit Size?

I have joined the ranks of the unlucky few that have dropped the Aldi T-3 fuse…and fuse holder into the abyss of the boiler box. Fortunately it sounds like it made all the way to the bottom without hanging up on a critical part. I thought I would take the top plastic tray off to see if I could retrieve it but the 3 screws that hold the tray to the metal body are different than all the other screws in the trailer…..naturally! It is much smaller than even my smallest 6 sided star bit. Before I end up buying 50 different small sizes to find the one I need, (and the way my luck is running, I will be lucky if buying 50 gets me the right size) does anyone know the correct size?
2017 320S
2017 320S.
2017 T@B 320S, 2023 Hyundai Santa Cruz, Parker, CO


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,062
    edited October 2023
    It is a Torx T10.  Been down there several times!  Alde, in their infinite method of making every thing confusing, calls the cover the "service hatch".  They do have a short video on how to get the hatch off, though, so give them credit.
    After the first time I dropped one, and wound up paying way too much to order spares from NuCamp, I found an ebay source for the fuse holders.
    They are called PTF-7 fuse holders.  The part we drop is just the detachable fuse "carrier".  The PTF-7 includes the "carrier" and the part that attaches to the circuit board.
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • cid69cid69 Member Posts: 13
    Thanks pthomas745! Is the bottom of the boiler pretty uncluttered? What are my chances of retrieving the dropped one? When I dropped it both the fuse and the holder went down so at least I hope the plastic holder will keep the fuse end from touching something and shorting it out. I couldn't believe that I did find a replacement on Amazon. I really thought that would a big problem as I didn't even know what to call it. Here's what I found to hopefully help the next poor soul...
    2017 T@B 320S, 2023 Hyundai Santa Cruz, Parker, CO
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,062
    Once you get the "hatch" off, there is an extra inch or so of room around the edge of the Alde.  The Alde itself isn't flat on the floor, but sits on little "standoffs".   I was able to see the first holder I dropped. I could barely get my hand in the space.  The second (yes, I know!) had managed to work under the Alde, probably after driving the trailer a bit.  I got a stiff piece of paper and worked it into the little space under the Alde and moved the holder out to were I could see it.  It is doable, just takes a bit of patience if you can't see the holder.

    Since I changed to slow blow fuses, I haven't had to change a fuse, so I have extra fuses and holders!  After losing the first two, the next time I pulled a fuse out I stacked a towel all around the space around the Alde, and held on the holder very carefully!
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • ChiprchukChiprchuk Member Posts: 23
    looks like you can get 10 fuse holders for ~$7.00 on ebay rather than 30 for ~$16 on Amazon 
    Tab 320-S Boondock Edge 2019
    T/V Ford Ranger 2023 4x4

  • cid69cid69 Member Posts: 13
    Thanks again pthomas745. Chiprchuk....the way my luck is going 10 wouldn't be enough. I'm good (for now) with 30.  
    2017 T@B 320S, 2023 Hyundai Santa Cruz, Parker, CO
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