CSS Sleeping Space

There is a thread about people wishing for more side to side space in their CSS T@B 320.  But they merely hope for an XL CSS or a 400 clam shell. 

I too share their wish for more side to side space - however, as I ponder it, not that much more room is required.  There is perhaps another avenue, but I need to hear about structure from those who know more than me. 

Would it be possible to install a larger window on the passenger side?  Larger in that it would be a little bit lower and a little bit wider.  Based on the understanding that the CSS is a "Fair weather camper" that is, we use it mostly in the summer time - my thought is that an open window at mattress height could really make a difference.  It would allow your feet to protrude outside the camper - even the slightest amount.  Your feet would be protected from above.  Perhaps the opening could even be fitted with weather-tight canvass or tarp type wings that would protect the sides from the elements.  A piece of foam flipped out from the inside would provide adequate padding.  Think of it as a slide out that doesn't slide out but tips out. 

I owned a T@G for three years and we found we wanted a place to sit.  I traded for a 400 and found that I just didn't like pulling that much trailer around and on top of that we really, really missed the outdoor kitchen.  Hence we gravitated to the 21 320 CSS.  I sense that if I could address this issue, there would be no reason to look at anything else.  Yes, this "fix" would probably cost some money.  So does trading trailers. 

Would the structure of the wall allow for a larger window?  Does Nu-Camp put a larger window in the 400?  Does the company that makes the windows sell a larger window? 

I give thanks for the wisdom of those who are "in the know" about this possibility. 


  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,804
    edited March 2024
    I believe the aluminum window and door framing are part of the manufactured side wall and are not able to be altered.  But, contact nuCamp and see what they say.  Help@nucamprv.com.

    Here are some photos.  I can’t tell if the windows are just cut out of the fiberglass/foam core side or they are framed with aluminum.

    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
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