Are there multiple build-dates on a T@B 320

spfrancis65spfrancis65 Member Posts: 14
So I"m in the process of buying a T@B 320S.  So the normal question I was trying to determine is "what year was it built". I am buying it from an RV reseller, and one of the authorized Nucamp providers.  I was initially told that it was 2018, but I have not been able to actually see the T@B yet.  On the phone the salesman is saying that the CHasis date is 10/2017, which he says is not the actual RV build date.  He went into a technical explanation about different dates, and that the title states 2018.  Can someone tell me if any of this sounds correct, and where I can determine the actual date?
Sorry about such a newbie question.  I have put a refundable deposit, based on the information they have told me.  


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,062
    The reseller is just bafflegabbing away.
    Get the Vin number.  Call Nucamp.  There are even VIN number web pages that will describe the makes and models of many vehicles.
    The Tabs do all have a "Build date" noted on a gray sticker on the driver's side of the tongue.  This is "normally" what we describe here as the "Build Date".  I don't know what your reseller might be thinking of.
    Of course, the "build date" may not correspond to what NuCamp might have called the "model year" of your trailer.  The "model year" seems to be a fluid standard in the RV industry.  We have seen many instances of changes during a "model year", so trailers with build dates only a month apart, called the same model year, have different equipment.
    This is what the sticker looks like, so ask your reseller if this is what they mean. You can see the "Date" in the upper right corner.

    There is a thread in the files that says it is a "Vin Decoder" that can sort out the model year.  Check this thread out.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • HomebodyatheartHomebodyatheart Member Posts: 2,513
    @spfrancis65 I don’t know about build dates, and @pthomas745 gave good advice. It’s my understanding that NuCamp has one model year build late in the previous year, and then will make any model changes needed in May of the next year. I ordered my 2017 320S in October 2016, it was built after that, arriving at my dealer mid-January 2017. I continue to be very happy with my Tab and am gearing up for my eighth season. I prefer the 2017-2019 model years for various features upgraded from 2016 and before, and I am not a fan of cassette toilets in the newer models. Also, if I were doing it again with a NuCamp product I wouldn’t buy the extended warranty from the dealer. They are so well built that for me it wasn’t necessary. After five years I had one issue, a broken valve in the rear of the toilet, that needed replacing. It’s a $35 part that I could have replaced myself, but chose to pay to replace it. Not worth the cost of the extended warranty in my opinion. Best of luck with your decision! 
    2017 T@B 320 Max S silver and cherry red, L@dybug ("Bug" aka my esc@pe pod), TV 2015 Toyota Highlander aka Big Red
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    Back then, model years started in April, so, it is likely a 2018 model built in Oct. 2017.  NuCamp started releasing models in July in 2021.  So, if the build date is correct, he has a 2018.  As @Homebodyatheart noted, there are mid year changes that may roll out.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • spfrancis65spfrancis65 Member Posts: 14
    So the sales guy did confirm that it did have the ALDE 3020 HE, which looks like something that would have come out in late 2018, so that is a good sign.  I just don't want to find out that it was a 2017 model.  The thing that initially worried me was that they stated that it ad a flooring issue, that they were going to fix before I see it, which looks like a 2017(Oct-Dec,Jan2018). I'm not sure if there are frankenbot Nucamps out there, that have mixed setups.
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