It seems every time I need to access the yellow flappers for the Alde we have the bed made and stuff on top of it. I kludged together a small linkage that attaches to each flapper which then goes into my nautilus panel. At that point there is a knob with an indicator so I know exactly the flapper orientation. Just turn the knob 1/4 turn CW to drain and back again to close it.
I used an electrical lug to transition from the 1/4" aluminum rod linkage to the flapper handle. Drilled a hole in the flapper, ran a screw thru the handle, then a flat washer and then 2 hex nuts. The first nut is
not tightened to the handle but left loose so there is play. The 2nd nut is tightened t
o the first nut as a jam nut to ensure this loose interface stays on the handle.
I had some 1/4" rod laying around but I see that, plus the other parts, are available on Amazon -lug, universal joint, etc.
I wanted to make sure that the pressure relief would still function hence the rather loose connection, the weight of the linkage is minor compare to the pressure at the trip point.
Works well so far.

2015 Audi Q7 TDI
Northern Ohio
Draco dormiens numquam titilandus.
@Hammick Really not too bad to install. Locate and drill two holes (from the Nautilus panel) and the holes in the flapper. The rods get cut and then install all universals and the lugs to the rods before install. I did need to make the wood guide for the 45 degree support but that was just a bit of some spare wood. Hardest was leaning over the bed into the compartment to get the lugs on the flappers, just not a comfortable working position.
I looked at other methods like cutting a 4" hole on the right Nautilus wall to reach in with my arm and access the flappers manually. I did a scale model and for arm size it would have just about worked but seemed to be more difficult.
I did think about a small DC motor that I could mount close to the valve and then couple that to the flapper. That solution is my rev B but it is kind of close to the bottom of a rather long list...
2015 RAM 1500 Outdoorsman Quad Cab
South Jersey
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