Attaching metal plate for a backup magnetic camera

New T@B 400 owner, just picked it up from the dealer last week. I have a solar backup camera with a magnetic mount. I am looking for a way to adhere a thin metal plate on the back for the magnet to mount. I am worried 3M dual sided tape will eventually fall off from the heat and grime. I thought about Dicor lap sealant but not sure about that either, maybe JB Weld? The camera is a AMTIFO magnetic solar wireless camera. Any suggestions? 


  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Several years ago I attached a license plate holder to the back of a friend's T@B CS with "3M Dual Lock."  It is an industrial strength Velcro-like product that is simply amazing.  I also used this same product to attach a heavy accessory to the interior center counsel of my tow vehicle 13 years ago.  It has held in the Phoenix summer heat without fail.  Last week I was prepping my tow vehicle for sale, and was simply amazed at how easy it was to remove that accessory attachment on the center counsel. Once removed using "Goof Off," there were no visible signs the attachment was ever there.  Can't say enough positive things about 3M Dual Lock. 
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    BTW, my friend visited Phoenix with her T@B CS last month.  The license plate holder was still rock solid in place.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • RMoRMo Member Posts: 162
    I’m in the middle of a solar panel install and, after lots of internet research, have decided to attach the L brackets to my 400 roof with 3M VHB tape followed by a hefty bead of Sikaflex 221 around the edges.  The theory is that the VHB is probably enough, but the Sikaflex will provide extra adhesion while protecting the tape from the elements.  In practice, I’ve found no one reporting failure with this method and I’d think your metal plate would be under a lot less stress than my L brackets.
    2019 T@B 400 (for sale)
    2017 Highlander Limited

  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,622
    RMo said:
    I’m in the middle of a solar panel install and, after lots of internet research, have decided to attach the L brackets to my 400 roof with 3M VHB tape followed by a hefty bead of Sikaflex 221 around the edges.  The theory is that the VHB is probably enough, but the Sikaflex will provide extra adhesion while protecting the tape from the elements.  In practice, I’ve found no one reporting failure with this method and I’d think your metal plate would be under a lot less stress than my L brackets.
    There are different types of 3M VHB tape, so be sure to get the type that's appropriate for your application.

    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,622
    New T@B 400 owner, just picked it up from the dealer last week. I have a solar backup camera with a magnetic mount. I am looking for a way to adhere a thin metal plate on the back for the magnet to mount. I am worried 3M dual sided tape will eventually fall off from the heat and grime. I thought about Dicor lap sealant but not sure about that either, maybe JB Weld? The camera is a AMTIFO magnetic solar wireless camera. Any suggestions? 
    As long as you choose the correct version of 3M VHB and rigorously follow the mounting instructions, it should hold. Like @Tabaz I'm a big fan of 3M Dual Lock fastening tape and use it for all sorts of things. The advantage of using the Dual Lock would be that it would make it easier to remove the plate & fastener later, if needed. 

    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    Where on the back of your 400 are you thinking if mounting the camera?  I have a rear view camera that I have been mounting on the rear window with a suction cup.  The suction cup holds well but I'm not happy with the camera.  This camera might be a better solution but I am wondering where it could be mounted.  Above the window would probably be the best place but that would put it out of reach for cleaning the solar panel on the camera.  Below the window might be too low for a good view of traffic coming up from behind.
  • RMoRMo Member Posts: 162
    There are different types of 3M VHB tape, so be sure to get the type that's appropriate for your application.
    I went with the often recommended VHB 5952, although 4950 is also recommended for panel attachment.
    2019 T@B 400 (for sale)
    2017 Highlander Limited

  • gruvtgruvt Member Posts: 3
    I'm going to try this suction mount (aluminum base I believe) and attach a metal plate to it for the camera magnet, camera is wireless on battery so no wires and I can move camera about.
    2019 T@B 400 "Dorothy" Wizard of Oz reference....
    2020 Honda Ridgeline
    HQ Vermont
  • mgreen2mgreen2 Member Posts: 89
    Check the post "2023 TAB 400 adding wireless backup camera - easy power" for an easy way to mount the camera on the black plastic trim in the rear. I did this with my 320 S and getting access under the black trim was pretty simple. 
  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    OK, in the hope that someone may benefit, I will detail my install of the AMTIFO model A26 magnetic, solar powered rear view camera.  This camera is magnetically mounted so it needs a ferrous metal surface to mount on.  It has a VERY strong magnet so I am confident that the camera will stay attached to the steel plate.  the main concern is to attach the steel plate to the TAB.
    I decided that the only place to mount the camera would be the oval spot where the TAB decal sits below the rear window (2019 TAB 400).  
    I removed the TAB decal.  Mine was rather ratty looking after five years of weather so I didn't feel too upset about peeling it off.  It is mounted to the plastic with an adhesive and actually peeled off rather easily--which tells me that it was probably getting ready to go on its own soon.  Using a plastic putty knife I carefully slid it under an edge and worked it around the entire graphic.  Next I used Goo-Gone to clean the area underneath the decal.  I bought some thin steel plate at Lowes and cut an oval to fit in the oval space where the TAB decal was originally and painted it white.  You can use the peeled TAB graphic as a template for drawing the correct size oval. Then I used "3M Auto Super Strength Molding Tape" (#3614) all around the edge and across the back to mount it to the plastic.  I previously used this tape to remount the window in the door of the TAB and it seems to hold very well.  Between the tape, the steel plate, and the magnet I doubt the camera will fall off even on a bumpy road but we shall see.
    This appears to be a very nice camera.  Well built with a very nice picture.

  • KK1LKK1L Member Posts: 117
    Did you choose the solar powered camera to avoid wiring into the camper to power it?
    It really is not difficult on a 400 to run wires through the license plate light and connect to power just on the inside along the bed. The white wire is "ground". The other is power to the light. I put in the "DoHonest V25" I bought from my dealer (Dan Kearney's in Rutland VT) which is also available on Amazon. It EASILY is received in the front of my Yukon XL. The antenna is very flexible and is tucked up on top and behind the camera (not interfered with by the license plate.

    The wiring in the inside of the camper. Use a pair of pliers to pull out the hot glue used to seal the hole.

    73 es God Bless de KK1L, Ron <><
    2023 T@B 400 Boondock "Running up a T@B"
    Jericho, VT
  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    I wanted the camera mounted higher than the license plate.  I use the camera asa rear view camera as well as a backup camera.  
  • KK1LKK1L Member Posts: 117
    I wanted the camera mounted higher than the license plate.  I use the camera asa rear view camera as well as a backup camera.  
    The lens has such wide view it is only as objects get within a few feet can you notice. The plate is up pretty high on the Boondocks. I played around with the position before I settled on where I put the camera. The 6" ~ 8" vertical difference above the plate was really not noticeable. I was surprised how little difference there was installing the camera off center as I did. I admit my goal is the least obtrusive back up camera option. It does a good job of filling the rear blind spot while driving. The DoHonest folks offer a free second camera which I took them up on. I might install that up high or maybe down watching the hitch area.

    Your install was done well and innovative...No wires, no routing. My comments are for others as well to be able to see other options.
    73 es God Bless de KK1L, Ron <><
    2023 T@B 400 Boondock "Running up a T@B"
    Jericho, VT
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