Pump doesn't shut off after initially adding water to system

Bill&SuzeBill&Suze Member Posts: 90
We brought home our new 2024 T@B 400 Boondock on Monday. I wanted to try out the Alde water heating capability so today I got around to adding a little more water to what the dealer had initially added to the fresh water tank while prepping the camper. I switched the water supply to city water (well, home water) and then turned on the pump. Under Water Pump in the owner's manual it states that when the pump is turned on it will run until the line is pressurized to about 45 psi. The pump began running and then I followed the sequence of events under Initial Start-up process by opening all water outlets, both hot and cold, one by one until the water flow was steady. Apparently once the last faucet is turned off the pump should also turn off. Unfortunately it continued running and did not shut off after I waited for 4-5 minutes. I did power up the Alde water heating function on the propane setting to satisfy my curiosity and it didn't take long to get hot water so I assume that the boiler water jacket is properly pressurized.
The pump is a Shurflo 4008 by-pass pump and the manual for it has a troubleshooting section that lists six things to check, some of which would require opening up the bed platform over the Alde where I assume the pump is located. Tomorrow I will call the dealer to ask if the pump worked properly at the time they prepped the camper but first I want to see if any forum members might have some experiential input and can advise on this.

Edit: I should mention that yesterday I drained the fresh water tank of water that the dealer had added. I should have thought of this when I mentioned above that today I added a bit more to what the dealer had initially added at prep time. Since I drained the tank completely yesterday prior to partially filling it again today, is there a chance that air in the tank has entered the intake line to the pump? Any way to test this?
Susan & Bill, Yarmouth, Maine
2024 T@B 400 Boondock Black Canyon
2024 Kia EV9


  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    It sounds like you are trying to run the pump while on city water.  You should run the pump for Dry Camping.  I would fill your fresh tank, then return to city water.  Run your taps to get rid of any air, then go back to using the pump with Dry Camping mode.

    Regarding the Alde heating water, it only requires that there is water in the Alde water tank.  Other than an “air cushion”, pressurization is not a factor.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • BinghiBinghi Member Posts: 352
    One thing: if you set the Nautilus to City Water, you don’t use the trailer pump or the fresh water tank; the water and water pressure are supplied from outside the trailer. To use the trailer pump and fresh water tank put the Nautilus in Dry Camping mode.
    2021 400 BD / 2016 VW Touareg / Austin, TX
  • Bill&SuzeBill&Suze Member Posts: 90
    Thank you Sharon is SAM and Binghi! I made what is likely a typical noob assumption that the pump is needed to move water through the water lines, no matter whether the source is the fresh water tank or city water. Having disconnected city water and set the Nautilus to dry camping mode, I find that the pump works perfectly as it should. I'm set for the moment until I encounter the next noob situation.
    Susan & Bill, Yarmouth, Maine
    2024 T@B 400 Boondock Black Canyon
    2024 Kia EV9
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,791
    You are on the steep part of the learning curve.  It gets better😂
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
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