I believe my original AGM batteries are on their way out and need to figure out a replacement solution soon.
I could get the LiTime 230ah single large battery or two smaller group 24 LiTime batteries (200ah total).
Is there any advantage to running two smaller batteries in parallel vs. running the single larger battery alone? I do like the idea of having a “backup” battery in case one fails but I also like the ease of install on the larger battery.
Just looking for any insight!
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Virginia Beach, VA
edit: actually the ah-per-dollar is about the same. The 230ah battery has low temp protection which I don’t need (just plan to have the battery completely disconnected in the winter).
2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road
Add what you want to your shopping cart on the Li Time site include your email and address then leave. Wait for a coupon in your email within 24 hours. It seems like that is how many of these companies work trying to close the deal before you select a different battery company.
I also saw there’s an 8% discount for signing up for LiTime email. That 230ah is nice and thin in width, would fit easily in front of Air8. Obviously would work in passenger bench.
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
2021 Tab400 Boondock; TV 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee; Minnesota
@marleecamps I initially wanted to go with the 230ah but the sales on the 100ah are too good to pass up and honestly this expense wasn’t expected so I’m having to choose carefully. I plan on shutting off charging in the winter and we don’t camp if it gets below freezing.
@Hammick I have the Victron shunt but I did see a video of the built in Bluetooth functions and it looked great.
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