I'm gearing up to drain my Alde system and address "deferred maintenance" on likely corroded convector connectors. I discovered a severe kink in the hose from the fluid reservoir to the drain / circulator pump / boiler input. (See attached photo.)

Looks like I might be able to address this with a slightly shorter hose, but I wonder if anyone knows of a source for a 45-degree EDPM elbow? (I didn't see a 22mm version at the Alde products site.) Since I'm asking, I wonder about plastic hose couplers as well, to replace a few aluminum ones.
I was happy to find an elbow at the top of the rear connector that contained the manual bleed valve. Most of the connections appear to be straight and not obviously stressing the hose, but slight bulges are apparent. Fingers crossed ...
It's pretty easy to access the bleed valve in my 2015 S-Max, just a couple of screws to open up the rear convector cavity.
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, 1869