Front-side storage boxes without the platform?

Has anyone thought about making a steel angle support for two side storage boxes instead of using the boondock platform? I've got a non-boondock 2020 320S. It looks like I can fit a full- width up- facing steel angle against the front diamond plate "rock guard", then an upside down angle on a diagonal to the trailer frame, which could support  up- facing perimeter angles to carry the edges of the boxes. I've never been convinced that the platform makes sense if it's just covered with storage boxes.  Advice? Anyone do this? I like the look of the central tub and want to keep the 3-tub approach. 
Yanni Lazarus 2020 T@B320S, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, Central CT


  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,623
    edited August 2024
    Sorry it's not a great photo but I did something like that with a boat trailer. I bolted two angle irons across the trailer frame so that the two "lips" were exactly the same distance apart as the depth of the box. The box was held and locked to the trailer with two steel cables that wrapped around the box and the two angle irons. This allowed me to easily remove the box when ramp-launching the boat. In this photo the box is at the front of the trailer, behind the spare tire.

    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • rcarlson1957rcarlson1957 Member Posts: 203
    I got a cheap aluminum ramp set and cut one of them to fit the front width of the T@B and attached it to the frame with U bolt and rubber spaces where it came into contact with the aluminum. Cheap, lightweight and strong. Added aftermarket tub (vented it) and 2 side boxes with locks as well 2 autoratcheting straps between the boxes and the tub. Also put a sewer hose holder behind it. Even added fishing rode holders to sides of boxes when camping so don't have to lean them up against anything or trip over them. Been working great for a few years now. 
    2018 TAB 320S Silver/Black
    2020 Honda Ridgeline RTL (AWD) Lunar Silver Metallic
    Rick and Barbara - North Texas
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