Out traveling and have observed a water leak while raining coming from the exterior of bathroom corner wall. I am certain it is from rain as it stops/starts with rain. Water is clear and not blue/green. I inspected where the electrical meets the shower walk and can not see where it starts. It runs mostly out the exterior corner of bathroom, like it’s under the shower .
Any suggestions of where/how to look on exterior. We are planned to be out for 4 more weeks. This is a ‘21 320. Thank you

I would check the seal on the exterior door to your toilet cassette. Water collecting in the lower part of the cassette cavity can leak out just as shown in your photo.
When I first had my 2021 320S, I had an issue with the cassette not sealing properly (due to that useless plate beneath the cassette...but don't get me started 😂), while testing it with clean water, I noticed that water would accumulate in the lower parts of that space and migrate out into the cabin. I hope this helps!
I was looking through some FB posts and saw a picture of water infiltration in the same spot on a ‘21. One was due to the cassette door as mentioned above and the other was dry rotted sealant around the gray water vent on the side.
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
I apologize....I was trying to word it properly so I didn't confuse the issue. The source of my leak was flush water because the seal on top of the cassette didn't seal properly against the flange on the bottom side of the toilet. The seal was not damaged. The root cause was that the cover plate on the sump below the cassette prevented the cassette from securely latching in place.
In your case, I'm guessing that the water is collecting in the same area and following a similar path...but the source is rainwater getting past the access door seal and/or bad caulking around the access door flange.
Want to post an update if anyone else discovers such a leak. I’ve narrowed it down to either the exterior gray tank vent or outside cassette door seal with it most likely being the gray tank vent. We are still out traveling but in a heavy rain today the leak has stopped . I was able to caulk around the gray tank vent before the rain. For now, since we are still out traveling , just before the rain , I placed painters tape around the cassette door to seal it. We have not been at a water site for a while so I can not use a hose to confirm if it’s the cassette door or not, but leak appeared to originate inside around the black vent pipe that you can just see beyond the electrical area so I suspect the exterior gray tank vent (shown with cover off). When we are at a water site, I’ll spray the cassette door from the top to confirm for sure .
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland