Hi everyone, I am new to the forum have been enjoying reading all the posts and learned a lot about our new-to-us 2021 Tab 320ss Boondock trailer.
We bought the trailer used and it had some damage to the bottom of the trailer tongue jack leg where it had been dragged on the pavement without the jockey wheel attached. As a result the jack leg had a large burr all the way around it and the jockey wheel that goes on the bottom of the tongue jack leg would no longer fit into the jockey wheel mount.
The following is the quick repair that I did to clean up the burr with an angle grinder and allow the wheel to re-mount.
First I secured the trailer on flat ground and with appropriate chocks, jack stands or other supports while I removed the tongue jack. I kept mine hooked to my tow vehicle with the e-brake on for support during the repair.
The tongue jack is held in place by 3 bolts, these are threaded directly into the tongue on my 2021 320ss Boondock so no need to hold any nuts on the bottom.

On my 2021 TAB 320ss they are 14mm.

Once I removed these 3 bolts the tongue jack lifts out.

Note the damaged bottom of the jack leg. Ouch. That must have sent some sparks!

The burr on the outside of the leg is too wide for the leg to fit into the wheel socket.

In this case the leg is worn almost down to the hole where the retaining pin goes through, I will probably need to do a more long term repair later. But for now I just need to get that wheel on temporarily so I can move the trailer around my yard.

I clamped the jack leg to a stable surface and used an angle grinder to clean up the burr. Always use appropriate safety gear when using an angle grinder, or if you don't have a grinder you could probably find a local repair shop that would clean it up for you for a few dollars.
Remove the bare minimum of metal to make the surface flush again so it will fit into the jockey wheel mount.
I am zoomed way in on this so the grinding looks rougher than it really is.

Reinstalling the jack leg back in the tongue is the reverse of removal.
Important - The breakaway safety cable runs through the tongue here as shown, I made sure not to pinch the breakaway safety cable when reinserting the jack leg, since that might have prevented the breakaway cable from functioning properly.

I was able to reach through the front of the tongue to hold the cable out of the way without pinching my fingers as I dropped the jack leg back in place.

Reinstalled the 3 bolts, and now the jockey wheel will mount normally.
As noted before on the earlier photo, in my case the bottom of the jack leg is very worn so I may trim it and drill new holes.
But not today.
(The nuts protruding below are for the outer large mounting plate on the tongue, NOT the ones I removed in this post, which are threaded directly into the tongue)

This process was pretty obvious to most I am sure but figured I would make a post just in case it helps someone.
"Just Enough"
2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York
2011 Tacoma TRD Off Road (V6, Auto), Dobinsons MRR adjustable suspension, 3in lift
Albuquerque, New Mexico